OsSpanish Sucks


By Os You know the days of the week en español, don’t you?  Nooo? Why am I not surprised? Joke….Ok, let’s learn them:  Domingo (Sunday) de Ramos, everybody gets a piece of palm to welcome Jesucristo.  El lunes (Monday), el martes (Tuesday) and el mièrcoles everything is normal until midnight

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Jim ParisiMusic Review

Having a Swinging Time

By Jim Parisi   Criollo music actually originated inPeru, and was quickly absorbed by Venezuelan and Argentinean musicians. But swing criollo with its tico flavor had its genesis here in the Sixties with a merger of American Swing music and a Latin style of music from Colombia called cumbia. Initially, it

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Cooking Corner

Wiener (& other) Schnitzels

By Bill Dwyer  Wiener Schnitzels have been a traditional Austrian dish for at least 500 years. Literally translated from the German, it means “Viennese shred”, which I suppose is based on the fact that the meat used in making schnitzels is usually cross-hatched with a sharp knife before it is

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk

Vamos a aprender a usar el verbo SER y ESTAR

Complete las siguientes oraciones usando el verbo SER.  Las flores __________________________________________. (Característica)  La mariposa ________________________________________. (Característica)  Carlos _____________________________________________. (Nacionalidad)  Yo ________________________________________________. (Religión)  Mi mejor amiga ______________________________________. (Profesión)  La mesa____________________________________________. (Material)  La botella ___________________________________________. (Pertenencia)  Mi perro  ____________________________________________. (Característica)  Mis vecinos  __________________________________________. (Nacionalidad y religión)  El piso de mi casa ______________________________________.

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