OsSpanish Sucks

Things Have a Gender & Pluralsss

By Os

Now let’s learn how to say “The” en español (AGAIN)…  There are 4 ways to say “The” en español.  There are 4 “words” that equal “The” en español.  They are NOT interchangeable, ok?.  Let’s learn ALL of them today:

Word # 1  *  the = el  * when the following word is masculinO.

Book = Libro  *  The book = El libro.

El taco, el amigo, el hombre, el reloj.

Word # 2  *  the = la  * when the following word is femeninA.

Table = Mesa  *  The table = La mesa.

La empanada, la amiga, la mujer, la pared.

Word # 3  *  the = los  * when the following word is masculinO and PLURAL .

BookS = LibroS  *  The bookS = LoS libroS.

LoS tacoS, loS amigoS, loS hombreS, loS relojES.

Word # 4  *  the = las  * when the following word is femeninA and PLURAL.

TableS = MesaS  *  The tableS = LaS mesaS.

LaS empanadaS, laS amigaS, laS mujerES, laS paredES.

Last month we learned that en español, Things have gender, remember?  Well they also have PLURALS but this part is very easy and similar to el inglès.

Os - Lost in Translation

First of all I hope you know what PLURALS are…yes! A plural word is when you are referring to more than one person, animal, thing, place, or word or anything!  But more than one… tranquil@; just watch this:

One pizza  (It’s referring to one pizza, so no “S“ at the end).

Two pizzas  (It’s referring to more than one pizza, so we have to add an “S“ at the end).

So that’s the PLURAL of the word pizza, easy right?

Let’s do the same thing but using the word “The”.  Remember that en español “The” can be:   la  –  el  –  las  –  los.  So use your brain.

Pizza = Pizza  *  The pizza = La pizza.

PizzaS = PizzaS  *  The pizzaS = LaS pizzaS. 

Good!  How did you know that pizza was femeninA?

It ends with an “A”, that’s perfecto.

Please don’t say    La pizzas    or    Las pizza.  The word “La” CANNOT go with a plural word and the word “Las” CANNOT go with a non plural word (just for the record, a non plural word is called SINGULAR).

If there is only one pizza you need the word “la” but if there is more than one pizza you need the word “las” and make plural the word pizza, how?  Adding an “S” at the end of the word.

Let’s do another example.  Remember that en español “The” can be:   la  –  el  –  las  –  los.  So use your brain another time.

Portfolio = Portafolio  *  The portfolio = El portafolio.

PortfolioS = PortafolioS  *  The portfolioS = LoS portafolioS. 

Great!  How did you know that portafolio was masculinO?

It ends with an “O”, that’s brillante.

Please don’t say    El portafolios    or    Los portafolio.  The word “El” CANNOT go with a plural word and the word “Los” CANNOT go with a singular word.

If there is only one portafolio you need the word “el” but if there is more than one portafolio you need the word “los” and make plural the word portafolio,  how?  Adding an “S” at the end of the word.

Aaaand…  What happens when the word doesn’t end in a vowel?  Add “ES” at the end of the word and change “la” for “las” and/or “el” for “los”.  Watch again: 

Salt = Sal  *  The salt = La sal.

SaltS = SalES  *  The saltS = LaS salES. 

Good!  How did you know that sal was femeninA? Just  guessing?  That’s perfecto!

Toucan = Tucán  *  The toucan = El tucán.

ToucanS = TucanES  *  The toucanS = LoS tucanES. 

Great!  How did you know that tucán was masculinO?  Just guessing?  That’s brillante! 

Hey guys, I know it is a little bit weird and different than English but don’t let this slow you down, you will get used to it.  No worries, keep trying, and don’t give up… Even if you don’t do it perfectly you still will be understood.  Remember:  Exactness doesn’t matter!  If you want to learn, study and/or practice español; we can have a little interview and plan something that will help you to improve your Spanish.

OS is a certified and experienced Spanish teacher.  He gives One on One, Group, and Immersion Classes.  He also offers a “Travel and Learn” program tailored for persons renewing their tourist visas.