Jack EwingNature and Local History Stories

Capuchin Capers

The troop of 28 monkeys was strung out over about 100 meters, moving through the forest. The lead monkey, a mature female, came to an area where the tree cover was broken by an open swamp with only a narrow corridor two trees wide going around it. About half way across the corridor the leader abruptly leapt back and let out an excited yelp, one of several different alarm barks the two observers had heard them use. This initial bark was followed by a series of short barks in a slightly calmer voice. Flor Vallet scanned the foliage with her binoculars near where the lead monkey had been when when it jumped back. Finally she saw the source of alarm, a non venomous bird-eating snake. It wasn’t large enough to harm a full grown monkey, or even a juvenile, but it was a snake nevertheless, and they instinctively disliked it. The troop kept moving forward, but as they arrived at the point where the snake was coiled each monkey veered over into a neighboring tree, staying well out of its reach. They didn’t need any further signals. Every monkey in the troop knew exactly where the snake was coiled. Was this communicated to them via the alarm call followed by the short series of barks emitted by the lead monkey when it first saw the snake?

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk

El año nuevo

Soy el Año Nuevo, vengo a ti puro e inmaculado; acabo de salir de las manos de Dios. Cada día es una perla de gran precio que te es concedida para que la ensartes en el hilo de plata de la vida. Una vez ensartada, ya no puede desenhebrarse jamás; queda allí como un testimonio inmortal de tu fe y de tu destreza. Debes fundir entonces, cada minuto, como eslabón dorado a la cadena eterna de las horas.

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Charlie BerghammerMaking a Difference

Greg Anderson

How exciting to begin the year by sharing the story of a recently migrated expat to Costa Rica who knew from the start that his coming to Costa Rica was more than just to live a comfortable lifestyle in the tropics. His story is that of many of us who have come looking for ways to INTEGRATE into our local Costa Rican communities. What Greg Anderson and many others have discovered is that the catalyst for this integration can come through engagement in local community service.

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Guest Chef

Guest Chef – Darren Remy of Kapi Kapi

Beach Noodle Salad – First put orange juice into a pot and reduce liquid to a syrup. Add mixture to a blender with rice wine vinegar and blend. Slowly add sesame oil and salt & pepper to taste. Boil noodles “al dente” and rinse with cold water. Cut lomito into large bite sized pieces and season with salt & pepper. Then heat a sauté pan or grill and cook to medium rare. In a large mixing bowl chop basil, mint & cilantro and mix with ¼ of cold noodles, dressing, beef and then slice the mango & avocado at the last minute for garnish. Top with chopped peanuts & ENJOY!

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Cosmic ConfettiHoroscopes

Cosmic Confetti’s Horoscopes – January 2010

CAPRICORN – December 22-January 19
As we all ring in the New Year together, you can also celebrate another year of growing older! Lucky You! 2010 is set to be your year to shine, a “come back” you might say. Forget about your New Year’s resolutions…I think the Mayans might be onto something, and if so, we only have 2 good years left…so go on…smoke your laughin lettuce, eat till it hurts, and have a little rum in your egg nog!
IDEAL JOB: Cactus Thorn Picker outer

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Health is WealthTodd Pequeen

Just Today

There is always something to stress about. Even when health and happiness are present we often create stress for a variety of reasons. Living this way, in this space, is a mistake. Time is a delusion the mind is happy to hold hands with. I’m sure the cynics are chuckling right now but let me explain. Inside our heads our minds are looking to identify with something. Most of the people I know dwell on memories from the past or their plans for the future. When is my next vacation turns into I don’t want this vacation to end. There is a compulsion to expel the present for the next job on the list, or to space out on what was so good and how to get it back. Obsession with this occurs simply because we can firmly identify with the past, as we have already lived it, and the perfect future is a dream, perhaps even a promise we made ourselves which will be the end all, be all. Whichever we choose, they are both illusions.

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Charlie BerghammerMaking a Difference

El Coquito Hotel

For many residents living in Aguirre County, the year 2009 will be the saddest in the annals of Matapalo Beach history. Due to the complicated laws and regulations which govern the Maritime Zone, many hard working residents on the beach lost their homes and businesses as well as their personal belongings during the parade of destruction which reigned down some months ago.

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Book ReviewJim Parisi

Armando and La Baula

Armando is a young Tico boy who has lived his entire nine years with his family, just a stones-throw from Playa Real on the Pacific Ocean in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. He’s a smart kid with an active curiosity and Playa Real has continually offered him an abundance of different ways to explore and learn. Upon his request, Armando’s father allows him to spend the night alone on the beach on the evening of his ninth birthday because Armando wants to witness the phenomena of the Baula turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs. What transpires on that night has a huge impact on Armando: he does, indeed, see a Baula lay her eggs. In fact, the turtle introduces herself (Yes! She speaks!) as “Annabella”, or Bella for short, and has quite a story to tell the impressionable Armando.

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Fishing ReportLuna Tours

Fishing Report – December 2009

Seasons greetings, and bienvenidos to Quepos and Manuel Antonio. December begins the prime fishing season for our fishing fleet and we’re all geared up and ready to take you fishing. The Sailfish bite should begin to pick up in the area, with Mahi Mahi fishing still very hot, some being in the 40 to 50 pound range. A few Sailfish are being boated along with a Marlin in the mix last week on board the OJARAN III. Rooster fish are also being boated on our inshore trips, with two to five fish being released. Fishing in Quepos is always good year round. For your fishing adventure contact Luna Tours Sportfishing, our office is located in the Hotel Best Western Kamuk lobby, downtown Quepos central. We own and operate the Ojaran II, Ojaran III, Magic Moon, and the Reel Deal (27 ft to 33 ft) and can also arrange other boats for charter up to 46 ft for half day or full day charters.

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk

El Día de Acción de Gracias

El Día de Acción de Gracias es una de las festividades favoritas en Norteamérica. Los estadounidenses lo celebran el cuarto jueves de noviembre.

La fiesta tiene relación con los colonos ingleses que en 1620 viajaron a América en el barco “Mayflower” y que más tarde serían conocidos como peregrinos. El difícil invierno en esa región de Norteamérica los tomó por sorpresa y más de la mitad murió víctima del frío y el hambre. Quienes sobrevivieron lo lograron gracias a la ayuda que los indígenas de aquellas tierras les proporcionaron.

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