Crazy From the HeatMatt Casseday

Sharing An I.C.E. Moment

I recently received an afternoon visit from a squat, unsmiling man who arrived at my house on a small motorcycle and without a word of warning cut off my electricity. His bright yellow shirt easily identified him as one of the seemingly tens of thousands of people employed by ICE (which for the uninitiated, is our national electric and telecommunications company). A visitor to my house saw him removing the cap to the meter and came inside to alert me. By an amazing coincidence, I was at that moment attempting to pay my electric bill via internet. It was not easy, as I only have one option for internet where I live (controlled by ICE) and the speed with which I receive the service puts me in mind of those old time room-sized univacs that probably took a couple days to warm up once they were turned on.

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Guest Writer

How Wind Power Works

Wind is the result of the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun and the fact that temperatures are invariably attempting to reach an equilibrium (heat is obviously moving to a cooler area). With the rising price of energy and the damage to the environment from standard fuels, it is starting to be equitable to harvest this renewable resource.

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Guest Writer

“Giving and Serving” Program

The School “Centro Educativo Los Delfines” from Quepos; participated in the annually Olympic Race for children sponsored by Program Giving and Serving. Josué the physical education teacher and parents took a group of children all the way to Coronado in San José at the Olympic Facilities. This participation was possible

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Donna PorterIt's a Wonderful World of Plants

The Bold, Boundless, Bizzare Bromeliads

The plethora of topical plants found within the borders of Costa Rica is truly one of the wonders that captivates its visitors and residents alike. It is amazing to discover the variety of places that a plant can actually situate itself and call “home”. I am sure anyone who pays any attention to our natural landscape, has been awed by the sight of seemingly hundreds of loosely vase-shaped plants nestled and dangling amongst the branches of some trees. At first observation one may think that this greenery is part of the actual tree, when in fact it is not. These are our native epiphytic-wonders called Bromeliads and there are an estimated 200 native species of Bromeliads alone in Costa Rica.

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Dustin Ramsbottom

Don’t You, Forget About Me!

Oh, how I would love to be able to do exactly the opposite that the band Simple Minds had once suggested and forget Judd Nelson’s ridiculous wardrobe and how I had once mimicked it. Isn’t it surprising how corny 80’s movies like “The Breakfast Club” can seem so fresh in our minds, but here we are living in paradise and every day we battle with remembering the sheer beauty that surrounds us.

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Kids Saving the Rainforest

The Monkey Bridges Are Up Again!

As most of you know, a huge storm hit the Manuel Antonio and Quepos area in June, downing thousands of trees and branches, which in turn destroyed numerous monkey bridges.

The KSTR Monkey Bridge Crew went out several times to evaluate the damages, and found that a total of 32 bridges were affected by the storm, some of them partially damaged and many of them completely destroyed.

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Jim ParisiMusic Review

Party, Latin Style

When it comes to parties, no one does it better than people of the Latin culture. Spirits are high and conversations are animated, but best of all, the food is always delectable and the music upbeat and very danceable. None of these factors has was lost on Putumayo Music when they released their new album, appropriately titled “Latin Party”, a compilation of twelve modern, up-tempo songs from a varied reach of Latin regions and influences. Latin people are very proud of their heritage and I think this CD demonstrates how new musicians pay homage to their musical Latino roots, while putting their own spin on it.

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Charlie BerghammerMaking a Difference


Through Angel Villareal Bogarin’s hard work, initiative and leadership, the community of Matapalo has been strengthened in social infrastructure as he has inspired change and others to action. His participation as a community leader and his involvement with the Bandera Azul program, ASANA, as well as a liason for the Matapalo Beach Lifeguards has served as a grand example to other local Costaricans on the importance of being active community participants. His example has also shown the important role the private sector can indeed play to acheive stronger more united multi cultural communitities.

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