Carol VlassoffPersonalities in Our Midst

Milo Bekins Faries

Milo Bekins Faries and his attractive wife, Tey, meet me in their forest home, four kilometres from Londres on the road to Cerro Nara. We sit on the veranda that encircles four sides of the house. True to the Bekins’ lifestyle, the house is built of cedro amargo and teak. Milo planted these trees on his own property years ago, with the idea of seeding their “house-to-be”. It is surrounded by forest gardens and a running water ditch moat that keeps their house amazingly insect free.

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Bruce ZabovCooking Corner

One-dish Chinese Dinner

This one-dish dinner is a variation of the red-cooked dishes so popular in all regions of China. They all have in common the seasoning of soy sauce as one of the ingredients central to them, but there are also some regional variations. In Shanghai they contain sugar, in Peking just the soy sauce is favored and in Szechwan they are made hot and rich, full of garlic, ginger and scallions or green onions with a flash of hot red pepper.

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Fishing ReportLuna Tours

Fishing Report – Sept/Oct 2009

Welcome and bienvenidos to Quepos and Manuel Antonio. Fishing continues to be very good in our area. A few Sailfish are being released daily and Marlin are being teased into the spread (a good sign of things to come as Marlin move back into the area). Mahi Mahi are still being boated with Yellowfin Tuna being the catch of the day. Rooster fish action is excellent, with two to three fish being released on our half day charters. Several have been in the 35# to 403# range. Fishing in Quepos is always good year round. Don’t delay!

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Health is WealthTodd Pequeen

The Dream

I hope all of us are “living the dream.” To me it is a matter of relevance. Advantages vs. disadvantages. A beach life style vs city or suburban living. The reliance and convinces of hunting down goods, services, and entertainment compared to the beauty and simplicity of mother nature. For two months I have been uncomfortable when I am told by my massage clients, or random tourists, that I am “living the dream.” Let me say first and forehand that yes, I am honored and feel blessed to be living in Costa Rica for almost 10 years. I personally know that I am living my dream, I give thanks for it every day. I suppose my issue is the tone and the envy of the complement. I hope and assume everyone is living, or at least working toward achieving their “dream” as well. That is what I was taught life is about, and what I see my friends teaching their children. When we listen to and trust our heart and soul, we make decisions correctly and organically become what we dream of.

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Charlie BerghammerMaking a Difference

Kim Stilwell: Gentle Guidance & Love

On a recent visit to Chicago, a friend having just read all the details of the planned Matapalo Beach Community Center sat down with me next to the lake and ask me candidly “Charlie what motivates you to realize such an ambitious project?” My response was simple and to the point. I explained to my friend that I was simply paying back in whatever way I could for all those people who showed up on my lifes stage as miracles to show me my way on lifes journey.

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EpisodesMatt Casseday

The Pervert

Back in the 90s I lived in the southern Costa Rican city of San Isidro del General. I owned a car, but my preferred mode of transportation was the bicycle. I rode almost every day and one of my favorite training runs was to the top of El Alto, the highest peak between San Isidro and Playa Dominical. The climb was over a thousand feet in a distance of less than ten miles. I did it as much for the exhilarating high-speed ride back down the mountain as for the exercise. The last couple of kilometers before beginning the ascent wound through a neighborhood called El Hoyon. I would psych myself while passing through, preparing for the torturous climb. It was here, in a spot along the road that overlooked a warehouse of some kind, that I began encountering a man who hid himself in the high grass on the embankment above the warehouse. When I passed he would often be there, lurking, visible only from the waist up. He would shout something to get me to look, and when I glanced over while passing he would make odd, slurping sounds, sometimes saying, “ooo, que rico”, always those words. Though I couldn’t tell for sure in the couple seconds of view, he often appeared to be playing with himself.

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Quepos History in Stone

Walking along the malecón, sea wall, in Quepos you will notice large stone sculptures sitting atop pedestals. The sculptures were created in 2007, organized by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports and sponsored by the Canton of Aguirre with the support of the Chamber of Commerce, Aguirre. Each sculpture

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Jack EwingNature and Local History Stories

The Punishment

The incident took place so long ago that Daniel Valverde doesn’t remember for sure if Alvaro Mesa was the one who actually felled the last manú negro tree on Hacienda Baru or not, but he was definitely the one who sent the workers up into the rainforest to cut it into logs and split the logs into posts. Some people say that what happened that day was Alvaro’s punishment for cutting down the last manú negro on Hacienda Barú. Others say it was the curse of an Indian shaman whose tomb Alvaro had opened. Regardless of why it happened, it was the worst experience of his entire life, and one that all the people who were with him that day will remember for the rest of their lives.

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Janine LicareKids Saving the Rainforest

Saving Shells

The art of shell collecting dates back thousands of years. Over time, shells have been used as currency, treasures and game pieces to different civilizations. In present times, shell collecting has led to the birth of conchologists, malacologists, among other words rarely used in the English language. The OCD reaction some might have towards picking up shells and storing them on their balcony or in vases in their living room is leading to a shortage in adequate sized homes for small sea creatures. Shells provide shelter to invertebrate animals with no mechanism of protection or self-defense. Every so often these creatures trade homes depending on how fast they out-grow their current homes. Those beautiful shells you keep on your shelves are actually the dead carcasses of sea creatures. When clams, oysters, starfish and mollusks die, their shells wash up on the beach with the tides and are taken as a shelter to those who do not have the mechanisms to create them themselves.

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Academia D'AmoreTico Talk

El 15 de Septiembre

El 15 de septiembre Costa Rica celebra su independencia de España, al igual que Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador y Nicaragua. Es por eso que septiembre es conocido como el mes de la patria y es común observar muchos adornos en las casas y negocios con el escudo de Costa Rica y los colores de la bandera nacional: blanco, azul y rojo.

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Pat CheekQué Pasa en Quepos

¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – Sept/Oct, 2009

Bienvenidos & Welcome to the heart of Green Season in our beautiful part of Paradise! We certainly hope you enjoy your stay –and don’t let a little rain slow you down – just slip – slide & slosh around with the rest of us! This is our combined issue covering Sept/Oct. to give us a short break. We plan to use it to get our long awaited website updated………so look for us at in the very near future…..

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Cosmic ConfettiHoroscopes

Cosmic Confetti’s Horoscopes – Sept/Oct 2009

VIRGO – August 23-September 22
This will be a VERY happy 2 months for you. After all, it is your birthday! And you know what they’ve been saying about that for a thousand of years, don’t you? “Happy Good! Me like Happy!” Cartwheels, hand stands, head stands, single arm press ups, sit ups, and sand castles the shape of gymnasiums are well starred. Take note, perhaps you could use a little exercise?
PROS: Smart /CONS: Perfectionist

LIBRA – September 23-October 22
“Geronimo!”, “Yahooooooo!” but NOT “Weee!” are the best ways to show extreme enjoyment such as when catching that big fish, canopying across the jungle, or jumping suddenly into water. This month your destiny has a lisp and is determined to say MISSISSIPPI…don’t worry about it…make yourself a coffee, sit down and read the internet, hell…its what you do everyday right? While you’re at it, make yourself a birthday cake, the chocolate and fattening kind cause no one celebrates birthdays with gusto after sweet 16!
PROS: Harmonious /CONS: Procrastinator

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Music & Events

Live Music and Events

BAR 506 Thursday, 3:00-6:00 pm Live music BURÛ SEASIDE 2777-0331 fb:restaurantburuseaside Tuesday Live latin music Friday, 5:00 – 8:30 pm Los Howlers (Rock & Variety) Saturday, 5:00 – 8:30 pm Live Wire (Blues) Sunday, 1:00 – 4:00 pm Los Hermanos Chuchamon DRUNKEN MONKEY fb: profile.php?id=100077742669057 Various nights, 7:00 – 9:00

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