Kids Saving the Rainforest
Hi everyone, it’s me, Dani, your KSTR Spokeskid! This week, I am excited to introduce you to Tyler Smith, an awesome kid who recently volunteered at KSTR with his family. He’s going to tell you about his experience as a volunteer! I’ll be back with an article next month. Enjoy
Read MoreHi Quepolandia – belated happy easter! It’s Dani, your spokeskid 🙂 Today I want to tell you about a new owl we received, named “Chill.” I’m also going to tell you about an animal in our sanctuary called Grandma Bella! And lastly, I want to give you an update about
Read MoreHi Guys, it’s Dani, your spokeskid for KSTR! Today, I am excited to share 3 stories about animals at the sanctuary with you—1 about an animal who is there for good but very happy and has a girlfriend, one about an animal fighting hard to get back out into the
Read MoreKids Saving the Rainforest wishes Dani a very Happy Belated Birthday! (Sorry, we are on sloth time!). We can hardly believe Dani just turned 9 years old and has been our Spokes kid for over a year! Hi Everyone, it’s Dani, your spokes kid for KSTR, Kids Saving the Rainforest!
Read MoreHi, This is Dani – your spokeskid for Kids Saving the Rainforest—or KSTR! First of all, I want to wish a very Happy 23rd Anniversary to KSTR! It was started in February 1999, by two 9 year old’s, Janine and Aislin, and Janine’s mom Jennifer. Next, I want to wish
Read MoreHi Everyone—Dani Here! We wish you all a Prosperous, Healthy, and Happy New Year in Beautiful Costa Rica. Today I want to tell you about a few of the injured animals at our sanctuary, and what we need to do to prepare them to go back to the wild. The
Read MoreHi Everyone, it’s Dani, your spokeskid for KSTR! Happy Holidays! The holiday period is a busy time here in Manuel Antonio for tourists and locals alike. So I wanted to tell you about all the interactions we do with the animals during this period. In my experience working with the
Read MoreHi Everyone, my name is Dani, and I am your spokeskid for Kids Saving the Rainforest! If you didn’t know, Kids Saving the Rainforest is a refuge in Manuel Antonio, where sick or injured animals are taken to help get them healthy and back in the wild. Today I want
Read MoreHola Quepolandia Readers! It’s Dani, the spokeskid for KSTR. This month, I want to talk about how KTSR helps animals by preventing accidents. Some of the animals came to KTSR because they got hurt in traffic. My mom told me a story about the first time I came to Costa
Read MoreFor this Quepolandia issue, our KSTR President, Jennifer, met with KSTR Spokeskid, Dani, and her parents in San Francisco, where they all live part time, to discuss Dani’s articles. Dani already had about 10 articles in her head, all of which her dad will type up while Dani dictates. Dani
Read MoreFrom KSTR’s very humble beginnings in 1999, when two 9 year old girls with a passion to save the rainforest, we have grown so much and become stronger – always finding new ways to help wildlife and the environments they call home. We have evolved from selling painted rocks and
Read MoreHello Quepolandia! This is Dani 🙂 This month, I am going to tell you some stories about the animals in our sanctuary. I hope you enjoy them! We are taking care of a Cotamundi who was born blind. In her living area, there are a bunch of obstacles, trees, jumps
Read MoreBy Dani Colloff Hi everyone! My name is Dani, and I am the spokeskid for Kids Saving the Rainforest. We live in Manuel Antonio right now, and every day when we go outside, there’s a large guard dog! Well, he isn’t really a dog—he’s a Green Iguana, and he’s a
Read MoreWelcome back Quepolandia Readers and Welcome Spokeskid Dani! Quepolandia being up and running is the sign that life will get back to normal!! Kids Saving the Rainforest has been working like crazy to stay open since the last time we wrote. KSTR has made sure that the wildlife came first
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