Pat CheekQué Pasa en Quepos

¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – September/October 2013

cover-sept-oct-13Bienvenidos/Welcome to the heart of our Green Season…also known as Rainy Season and boy can it rain…September is sometimes very nice with lots of sunny mornings before rain in the afternoon so get out and enjoy your day early…we are glad you have come to Quepolandia and hope you enjoy your visit….this issue covers 2 months and we will let you in on what’s going on for both months…Sept. 15th is Costa Rica Independence Day complete with a wonderful generally gets under way about 10:30 to 11 am but it varies & takes place in downtown Quepos…lots of children dressed in traditional costume and floats and marching bands like you have never seen…don’t miss it! This year represents the 192nd year of independencePura Vida…we need to mention that many of our fine restaurants take time off in the 2 months for vacations for employees..we recommend that you call ahead as to not be disappointed ..thankfully for us they don’t all close at the same time! All tours will be operating although some may be on limited times…there is still plenty to do and less crowds so enjoy….we would like to thank Sjoerd (Jay)Biesman, Wildlife Projects, from The Netherlands for our great cover shot…bee in the orchid…Jay comes to visit every year and always gets some great photos… all you photo bugs out there send in a couple of your best shots as we need more all the time(see guidelines in magazine)…October is a quiet month but we try to liven it up with a Chili Cook-Off around the first week so keep your ears open and check here online for info or at  for details….Halloween has become a big event for both Ticos and Gringos so create a costume and come out for the fun from Quepos to Manuel Antonio..check with Jaime Peligro Books & Adventure in  Quepos face painting and temporary tattoos to add to your outfit! We are off for a little vacation ourselves and will be back with you for the November issue….have fun, be safe and tell your friends what a great little piece of Paradise we have here…ciao for now…..P

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