¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – November 2009
Bienvenidos & Welcome to Paradise!
Here it is November all ready – our rains will be coming to an end soon – we haven’t had our usual amount – prompting AYA (CR water authority) to ask for water rationing or at least a 20% reduction in consumption – sighting showering for less than 3 mins (we suggest showering with a friend!) and don’t let the hose run when you’re washing the car—or the faucet while brushing your teeth – all little things that can help………….now on to more fun ………… we hope you are having a great vacation and we are happy to have you here for a visit—don’t forget to visit the Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio celebrating 37 yrs. this month—-we have other great tours & wonderful restaurants so ENJOY – Check our ads for special menus for Thanksgiving so you won’t have to miss your Turkey Dinner! …………….Congrats to our Cover Winner Lauren Lipton of Tallahassee, Fl – Lauren sent us about 12 great pics of a wonderful vacation……………we are happy to Welcome some new folks to our little corner of Paradise…………….new businesses will be opening this month…a Jaime Peligro’s Book/Music Store (music review this month will be our own Benjammin!) owners are Jeffery & Carolyn – from Colorado Springs, CO the store will be between Century 21 & Lynch Travel so check it out…Grand Opening in late Nov.…………also a new Bakery!! Dan will be opening soon across from Vetcomer on the side street. Dan’s from Glacier Park, MT – we heard something about cinnamon rolls!! AND a big welcome to Myla & Craig from Fl who will be starting construction on a new home & plan to live here full time – Myla is a great addition to Tues. Bridge Club @ Dos Locos –all fun-lovin’ folks! AND now for the really BIG NEWS – as you can see, the all new www.quepolandia.com is up and running!! You can now follow all the happenings of Quepos/MA when you go back home! We are very excited to be offering our advertisers another avenue to enhance their business and our readers a chance to keep in touch……..so check us out – often – as we will be updating frequently!…………….our friend “Papa” Bill is stuck in Syracuse, NY getting much needed treatment on that bum knee – looks like he will be away thru the holidays – send him an email at williamcrossley@hotmail.com if you would like to keep in touch – we know that hearing from his friends at home will keep him smiling!……………that brings us to the end of my rambling………….so get out there and have some FUN!