Oceans Unlimited

Kid’s Camp – Fun in the Ocean

Kid’s Camp – Fun in the Ocean

Here at the dive shop we are always about inspiring new people to come exploring the ocean with us. One of our primary goals with the new administration is to build our involvement in the local community as part of this. One of the most exciting projects that we started over Xmas and then again, this past Semana Santa was running some kid’s conservation camps to get younger members of our community involved and learning all about the ocean.

Did you know that children can get the PADI junior open water certification card as young as 10 years old? Participants need to be comfortable in the water and a good basic swimmer but they can start exploring the local ocean and reef from that age.

But, did you know as well, that they can start scuba diving, in a pool environment as young as 8?! The program is called the PADI seal team, and whilst you cannot see real fish in the pool, you can certainly have an adventure there.

Taking these programs as our first camp basis we created two different types of conservation camps. Each including an element of conservation and whilst introducing the children to the importance of their local environment, we are hoping to inspire all of the kids into becoming ECO warriors.

Once they are certified, the ocean is their playground as each day we cover different conservation topics and workshops and then explore the ocean putting what we learned to action. The children who are certified get to dive each time practicing their skills, whether it’s looking for octopus as part of a survey, or counting fish. There are so many different themes they really get the chance to learn about all aspects of the underwater environment.

For the children not certified, we either head to the pool to complete Seal team missions and practice our scuba skills in a controlled environment, or we head out on the boat to snorkel Manuel Antonio.

With so much ocean to explore and so many things to learn about, the possibilities are endless. This program has generated a passion in both our participants and inspired our staff and crew as they put together new workshops and programs for future camps.

Later on this year, we will be running a program in July, which is at the start of the Humpback whale migration season. For that reason, we will be having a fun packed whale week with the students having the chance to go out and take part in whale counts and surveys. We will also be looking at sea turtles in the area and what they get up to.

Dates for the July camp will be July 3rd to 7th and then July 10th-14th. For children wanting to take part in some of our future programs, follow us on social media to learn about upcoming projects and about scuba certification programs we will be running over the weekends to get more of our passionate budding eco warriors in the water. Remember, once you are certified, you are certified for life! And what an awesome skill to have.

As to all of those who took part in our programs over Xmas and Easter! Thank you for joining us and we hope to see all of you again soon!

Follow us on instagram @scubadivingcostarica and @marineconservationcostarica.

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