Guest Writer

Envision Festival 2023, February 27 – March 6

How does it feel to be back and are there any changes to how the festival will put on?

During the pandemic, most of the festival site withered away and was devoured by the jungle. As a result around 80 to 90% of the structures, you see when you attend this year will be completely new. It also gave us a chance to move around a few things so even those who have been to the festival year after year, will have to take some time to get re-oriented. It’s a whole new jungle adventure.

Can you explain your Pillars and how they have grown over the years?

Every party should have a purpose beyond just the celebration. For us, we’re about making ourselves, the place where we party, and the relationship we have with Earth a whole lot better. Our pillars are how we communicate that both in the planning stages of our event and in everything we do during it.

Can you elaborate more on Somos el cambio?

From planting trees to cleaning up beaches, we do a lot each year to make positive impacts in the world, ourselves, and others. Somos el Cambio is the next evolution of that mission. With this evolved platform we’re unifying our goals, streamlining our efforts, and finding ways to go further faster, because—let’s face it—there’s still a lot to do to get this planet of ours back on track.

What are the “must do’s to have a magical Envision?

Drink water. Introduce yourself. And, whatever new experience you find: don’t be afraid to give it a try.

What can we expect from Envision 2023, 3 years in the making. Will anything be different other than 8 days?

The site is mostly all new (as we mentioned above) but there’s also a big emphasis on working more this year with Costa Rica’s top non-profits and eco-minded initiatives. We also will have more of the best international music acts along with many of the Latin music flavors tourist, Ticos, and everyone else has come to expect from Envision Festival.

What are the plans for the future?

You’ll see!

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