Guest Writer

ASUQUE Torneo de Surf

Asociacion de Surfeadores Quepos - Torneo de Surf
Asociacion de Surfeadores Quepos – Torneo de Surf

By Georgia King  & photos by Ivan Castillo

If you were lucky enough to wander down the far north of the beach a few weekends ago, whether by chance or knowing what lay in wait, you would have had the chance to witness the Torneo de surf in Playitas Manuel Antonio-Quepos. On the 7,8,9 junio 2013 this tournament was presented for ASUQUE, Asociacion de surfeadores Quepos. 

ASUQE was the first surf association to exist here in Manuel Antonio. After a quiet period for a couple of years it is now organizing and running tournaments throughout the year in Manuel Antonio. 

This last one was well attended with possibly more anticipation due to the fact that it was taking place during the tail end of a large swell that had hit the waters of Manuel Antonio. 

Waves over the weekend were frequently overhead and some entries into the water were proving to be tricky. Everyone pushed through and provided some fantastic demonstrations of surf and boogie board talent for the eager onlookers. Participants came from all parts of the country to compete and test their skills in the challenging waters off of Playitas beach. 


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