Pat CheekQué Pasa en Quepos

¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – June 2013

June 2013 CoverBienvenidos/Welcome  to our beautiful Paradise we are a glad you have come for a visit ….congratulations to all the graduates,  newlyweds and those of you that picked Costa Rica for a perfect vacation…we doubt you will be disappointed……..we have it all……from the best tours to the best restaurants and you will find them all right here in Quepolandia…please let our advertisers know that this is how you found them..A Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads….June brings a little more rain and the occasional torrential downpour but this time of year it is mostly in the late afternoon and evening…there will still be plenty of sun so don’t forget the sunblock…we would like to mention a couple of things about the beach area…the official looking guys trying to stop your car and have you park at the first area are anything but official….just drive on past as there is plenty of parking closer to the Manuel Antonio Park – unless you just like to walk a kilometer hauling your stuff…….the other  is we have a pretty strong riptide at times  so please use caution when swimming in the surf……we would like to thank Sjoerd (Jay) Biesmans of Wild Life Projects (photography, web and graphic design, for our cover shot of the  beautiful Blue Crowned Mot Mot….Jay visits us every year and always gets some great photos….he lives in The Netherlands..There will be a wonderful party/fundraiser for our local animal group PAWS held this year on June 22nd at La Foresta Resort see their ad for the details and come on out for the fun…rest assured your support goes to a worthy cause……we hope you enjoy Quepolandia, we welcome your comments both on our website and facebook…check out our check out  Readers Resources on the menu bar above where you will find the Tide Chart, Bus schedules and much more – plus our classifieds if you are looking for a place to stay before you travel….don’t forget to send in those perfect photos for a chance at our cover or a short story about your travels …..have a  safe and wonderful time..

…..ciao for now……….P 

Happy Father’s Day – Dad (I’m your present!)

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