Pat CheekQué Pasa en Quepos

¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – May 2010

Bienvenidos/Welcome to Quepolandia! We are happy that you have come to visit. We have a wonderful community – an exotic combination of x-pats and locals, who with our visitors, gives us a very international atmosphere. On a bus ride to the beach or out to dinner you could possibly hear 5 or 6 different languages and we all try to live with the Pura Vida attitude that is Costa Rica. Here it is May and as usual with the passing of Samana Santa (Easter) our rains have come back…..the beginning of “Green Season”..sounds so much nicer than “rainy season” right? We are happy to be greening up and cooling off….there won’t be enough rain to dampen your spirits or plans for your vacation so get out there and have some FUN!..try a few tours………explore our beautiful Paradise and have a great time…..when visiting our advertisers please let them know you found them in Quepolandia because without them we are “nada”… we would like to welcome Dra. Candy back to Quepos…with her is Linea Vital DE C.R. Emergency Medical – open 24/7 to help with your medical needs …call: 2777-6868….. we would like to thank our friend Myla for our beautiful cover shot & wish she hadn’t moved “up North”….we would like to welcome 2 new guest writersAnita Kiesel of Indiana & David Seyhun of LA..check out their stories later in the month…..…please enjoy yourselves have a super time at our beach but remember the ocean is  powerful & we want you safe – so take care and pay attention to the riptide—if you are here on the 31st – Memorial Day – don’t miss Papa & Harry’s 8th Annual Memorial Day Pig Roast at Pueblo Real – Damas – starts about 1pm with music by Robbie & Live Wire  …… that’s about it…..caio for now…………………P

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