OsSpanish Sucks

Things Have a Gender

By Os

Feliz día de la amistad y del amor – Happy Valentine’s Day.  Let’s start with some lines that you may use en febrero:

Estoy enamorado(a) = I’m in love.

Te gustó? = Did you like it?

Quiere salir conmigo? = You wanna go out with me?

Te casarías conmigo? = Would you marry me?

Quiero darte un beso = I want to give you a kiss.

Què cursi! = How corny!

Templón(a) / Templado(a) = Horny.  *  Oops.

Here we go:  En español, Things have gender…OK?  Things don’t have sex, things don’t get laid, but “someone” decided to put gender to the Things…

Os - Lost in Translation

One of my students once said:  In English, Marcela is a she, Marcelo is a he, and things are neutral.  So let’s say that:

Marcela is a “she”.  Marcelo is a “he”.

Table is an “it”.  Book is an “it”.

I can live with that.

Well, en español things have gender…So let’s say that:

Marcela is a “she”.  Marcelo is a “he”.

Table is a “she”.  Book is a “he”.

WHY?  Because:  That’s the way the cookie crumbles!  Can you live with that?

If a thing is masculinO it’s gonna be a “he”.  If a thing is femeninA it’s gonna be a “she”.

Soooo?  How to know when a thing is masculinO or femeninA?????  That’s the question my friends!

If the thing or the word ends with an “A” generally it’s gonna be femeninA.  If the thing or the word ends with an “O” normally it’s gonna be masculinO.

Table = Mesa  *  Mesa ends with an “A”.  You can bet that MesA es femeninA.

Book = Libro  *  LibrO ends with “O”.  You can put some money where your mouth is and gamble that LibrO es masculinO.

Aaand?  How the heck am I gonna be able to know the “gender” of the thing or the word when it doesn’t end with an “O” or with an “A”?  Beautiful question!  Ask that “someone” who decided to put gender to the Things…(But probably he or she is dead)…Or…My advice:   Just GUESS!

Good news:  You have a 50% possibility to get it right. / Bad news:  You have a 50% chance to get it wrong.  So:  Do NOT bet anything.

There is no way that you can make a connection between a word and its gender; did you hear me?  NO WAY. Don’t let this hold you back.  It doesn’t matter if you get confused and use the wrong one, you’ll still be understood!  We all can live with that!!!  Right?

Now let’s learn how to say “The” en español.  There are 4 ways to say “The” en español.  There are 4 “words” that equal “The” en español.  They are NOT interchangeable, ok?.  Let’s learn two of them today:

Word # 1  *  the = el  * when the following word is masculinO.

Book = Libro  *  The book = El libro.

El taco, el amigo, el hombre, el reloj.

Word # 2  *  the = la  * when the following word is femeninA.

Table = Mesa  *  The table = La mesa.

La empanada, la amiga, la mujer, la pared.

Question:  How did I know that reloJ (clock) was masculinO and pareD (wall) was femeninA?  Those words don’t end in “A” nor “O”?  Well, following my advice:  Just GUESS; (besides I have been speaking espa;ol for more than 30 years).

Do you remember that I named this column “SPANISH SUCKS” because everything I am gonna tell you will be 99% (noventa y nueve por ciento) true…and bla, bla, bla?  Well, guess what?

Some things or words that end in “O” are femeninas:

ManO = Hand  *  The hand = La mano.

And, some things or words that end in “A” are masculinos:

MapA = Map  *  The map = El mapa.

Those words are exceptions to the general rule.  No worries!  Never mind the exceptions…But take it easy in the casino (don’t bet too much, you never know).

That’s enough for this month amig@s; remember that some folks are learning, studying and practicing español with me, here in M.A. every week.  You are welcome to visit us and take a look; ALL levels are welcome! 

Hasta la vista baby… 

OS is a certified and experienced Spanish teacher.  He gives One on One, Group, and Immersion Classes.  He also offers a “Travel and Learn” program tailored for persons renewing their tourist visas.  See his ad under ¿Lost in Translation?  ESPAÑOL.  Aqu’i en Quepolandia.

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