Titi Conservation Alliance

TCA celebrated Dia del Arbol with Hogar de Ancianos

Hogar de AncianosOn Friday June 17, TCA celebrated Dia del Arbol, (National Tree Day) by organizing a tree planting with 6th grade students from the Naranjito Elementary School at the future site of the Hogar de Ancianos. The Elderly Care Hogar of Quepos is relocating from its current site in Paquita to a new site located at the entrance to the small community of Naranjito about 15 minutes from Quepos. The 2 acre lot was generously donated by Lic. Manuel Solano, however the costs of the necessary infrastructure such as road entrance, electric and water connections have been raised by the Homes’s administrative Association from public and private donations. Building plans and permits are almost fully completed and construction is due to begin in later this year. Part of the property has been set aside as a “Green Reserve Area” with a short walking trail along the stream that runs through the property.

Titi Conservation Alliance

Organizing the studentsThe morning started off with a civic act at the school with speeches by both students and residents of the Paquita facility. Everyone then headed over to the new location for a fun review of trees given by Ing Juan Pablo Aguero our TCA forestry engineer. Next came the main event with the kids planting trees on the site which had been previously prepared by TCA staff.  As Juan Pablo explained, we try to plant a wide diversity of species with some providing food for the monkeys and wildlife like Guava while also planting species in danger of extinction such as Nazareno and Manu and finally more common trees like Sotacaballo and Corteza. After working under the hot sun, everyone was treated to refreshments provided by Marina Pez Vela, a long time member and supporter of TCA projects.

Planting treesThis activity truly reflected what TCA strives to accomplish in our community; creating and fostering alliances with different organizations to help conserve our natural resources, while also educating our young citizens that our society will depend on for its current and future well being. The interaction between the youth and wisdom was truly wonderful and uplifting to those of us who were fortunate to attend the event. If you would like more information on how to support the building projects of the Hogar de Ancianos, please contact us via email info@monotiti.org. Also be on the lookout for their fundraiser event coming in August.

National Wildlife Month July 2016

Students & organizersTCA  celebrated National Wildlife Month in July by organizing several tree plantings in the Central Pacific region with our corporate member sponsors. The Alliance has set a planting goal of 3,000 trees this year, to surpass a total of 70,000 trees planted since our founding 15 years ago. A truly impressive feat!

Sign for the new Hogar de Ancianos

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