¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – May/June 2014
Bienvenidos/Welcome to Quepos-Manuel Antonio we are happy to have you visit….we know you will have a great time…May & June begin our “green” or rainy season and we are looking forward to getting green…it has been one hot hot hot dry season….First we would like to wish a very Happy 92nd Birthday to Virginia Utley on May 20th but we hope she will be celebrating all month long! We have so many great things for you to do from zip lines to off shore fishing and everything in between…just check our advertisers and sign up for a fun time ….you can tour the Manuel Antonio National Park with our cover shot guide Manuel Cabalceta..he captured this great shot of the capuchin monkey family on a tour in April…great shot Manuel…you can book a tour at manuelstours@icloud.com…..this issue covers 2 months so we will have extra articles for your reading enjoyment and puzzles – just in case we get that much wanted rain! Travelers not to worry it won’t be enough to wash away your fun….so get out there have a great time – enjoy our awesome restaurants – sip a cold one on our beautiful beach and don’t forget the sunblock even if its cloudy….please mention to our advertisers that you found them in Quepolandia ……we hope you will come back and visit us again but do tell your friends about our happy little Paradise and follow us on facebook.com/Quepolandia and check us out here online when you get back home… travel safe to your next destination and come back soon…… ciao………..P