¿Qué Pasa en Quepos? – July 2023
Bienvenidos y GRACIAS… Welcome and THANK YOU!!!
Ana founded Quepolandia magazine 25 years ago on July 1 1998. Her first word in the first issue was Bienvienidos… This issue starts the same but we want to add Thank you. This is a special issue to us and all our loyal readers. July we will still hit newsstands near you. This issue is a new beginning of service for tourists, ex-pats, and the local community to get helpful and useful information. I would like to ask our Staff (Paul Rees), our writers, and advertisers to take a BOW. What an accomplishment 25 years, I cannot thank you enough, it is and always will be all you that make it happen I am just distribution.
Change should be good it stimulates the mind.
July will mark a new continuation not a new start. We are already rolling. The cover is getting a facelift (let us know what you think of the logo). We will be launching a new QUEPOLANDIA.com that just reached a 1,000,000 views.
So they say a goal achieved no longer motivates… 25 years in print, done. Website hits a million views, yup did that . What can you we do next? Find out in our up-coming issues for the details. We have a goal. By the end of the year we hope to have a new look, a new website, and most importantly a new way to HELP MOTHER EARTH. She has always needed us, and now more than ever. We all owe her enough to just care.
This issue is to look back and Thank all the people involved and to look forward to our next 25 years.
To Ana who started QUEPOLANDIA as basically a pamphlet and a dream. To Pat who took on the dream and made it brighter. To Paul the one well who really deserves the most credit, he is our Wizard of Oz, our man behind the scenes. He creates every issue with love, professionalism, and best of all PRIDE.
To all of our writers like Jack and Todd who for the better part of 25 years each month sent us a fantastic article to share, educate and stimulate us. Or you who wrote one piece in one issue. You all made turning our pages interesting every month.
We have seen a lot of change over the years. Thanks to Marina Pez Vela and all the hard-working fleet that has made Quepos a World Class Sportfishing BUCKET LIST destination bringing guests from around the world. Not just great fishing but sunset tours, shopping, restaurants and family friendly events throughout the year.
We are blessed with the staff and the guides of one of the Top 10 National Parks in the world. We Thank and support all the conservationists, the volunteers, and the contributors to helping protect this fragile ecosystem in an ever-changing environment. (KSTR pg. 42, PAWS pg. 16, Marine Conservation pg. 40 )
To all of our advertisers, we never would have been able to reach this goal without your advertising. You are the very reason we were able to do this. Ronnies was one of the first businesses in Quepolandia and still one of the best places to enjoy a sunset and sangria in Manuel Antonio or Costa Rica. Covid hurt this part of Quepolandia the hardest, with advertising being the life line to circulation.
To every business, coffee tables of all the rental houses, hotel lobbies, tour companies, car rental locations, restaurants, mini supers, everywhere you have let us put a stack of magazines to be picked up and enjoyed. To all of our readers. First-timers, loyal readers, or like me, a collector. I have almost every issue ever printed.
Because there are really to many people to thank.
This goes out to Everyone who has ever touched a Quepolandia magazine over 25 years.
Gracias…Thank you.
Peace and Enjoy…D