Kids Saving the Rainforest

Kids Saving the Rainforest – November 2019

KSTR LogoBy Karen Moss

Capuchin monkeys crossing a monkey bridgeGreetings from Kids Saving The Rainforest! Our spokes kid, Karma Casey, moved back to the US and we would like to thank her for the wonderful job she did writing the Quepolandia articles. I will be filling her shoes this month and although I’m not a kid, at least not on my driver’s license, I’m excited to share the latest information about KSTR with everyone.

Did you know Kids Saving the Rainforest can respond to pick up injured wildlife? You can reach KSTR by WhatsApp at 88 ANIMAL (8826 1625). Once the call comes in, the staff is notified and gets to work immediately. Our wildlife ambulance personnel respond to retrieve the animal while the clinic staff prepares for the animal’s arrival. If we are unable to respond, we have a trained taxi driver closer to respond who can come pick up the animal. Everyone is communicating with each other so we can provide that animal the fastest and most efficient treatment possible.

Speaking of Wildlife ambulance calls, September was a difficult month for the wildlife in the Villa Lirio area. There were a total of four electrocuted monkeys in less than a week. KSTR received a call about an electrocuted Howler Monkey (Mono Congo) from a neighbor near Canyon Verde. The howler had crawled off and we were unable to locate it. KSTR immediately notified ICE (the power company) who came out to install a wildlife bridge the following day. Another howler was then electrocuted in front of ICE while they were there installing the wildlife bridge the next day. KSTR personnel responded and the howler decided to go up a fence and into the trees as our ambulance personnel was preparing to capture it.

Kids Saving the Rainforest header

KSTR 5K run poster
Click to Enlarge

The last monkey electrocution was a Squirrel Monkey (Mono Titi) in the same area. ICE not only came back to install a second wildlife bridge in the area but also installed new transformers and equipment throughout the Villa Lirio neighborhood. I am very happy to report that we have not had another animal electrocution call in several weeks since the new equipment and wildlife bridges were installed. This big problem was solved all because one concerned neighbor notified KSTR who then notified ICE, proving how invaluable these community partnerships are. ICE and KSTR work closely and have a WhatsApp chat to ensure immediate action. We have been working on wildlife bridges together since 2000. Thank you to that neighbor, Inigo Fernandez Arrizabalaga for your concern and dedication to help protect the wildlife in your area. If you know of an area where a wildlife bridge is needed, please contact wildlife coordinator Rocio at [email protected] or my email at [email protected].

We are excited to announce our first 5K Rainforest Run. The run will occur on November 24th, 2019 in Quepos and there will be prizes for the winners. Please see the flyers for details.

And finally, meet Smokey and Dudley. They are two baby sloths that KSTR rescued in the past couple of months. You will meet them in the next issue and learn their stories.

Two slothsKids Saving the Rainforest is a non-profit animal rescue/sanctuary and reforestation project located in Quepos. Tours are available six days a week by contacting [email protected] and volunteer opportunities are available at [email protected]. Please check out our Facebook and Instagram pages as well. Pura Vida from the staff at Kids Saving the Rainforest.

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