Guest Writer

Del Silencio a la Libertad

DSL’s mission is to combat the pervasive and accepted occurrences of Rape and Incest in Latin America and the damage caused by them. Using therapy/12-step meetings, education campaigns, and social media, we hope to bring this secret out into the open and promote healing to the victims, and awareness and cultural change in the societies that condone these criminal offenses.

Del Silencio a la Libertad, through meetings in different places in Costa Rica, has been utilizing a 12 steps program (by  Survivors of Incest Anonymous) for healing and recovery from sexual abuse. These meetings have had a genuinely positive effect on the lives of the victims who decided to come out of their silence toward freedom.

We have created different programs where information, counseling, support, and healing are available to every individual survivor and are the keys to success. We work with victims and survivors of all ages, all genders, of all forms of sexual violence and sexual abuse; and we also work alongside schools, churches, organizations, etc., where awareness and prevention can be taught to stop sexual abuse from happening.


To be able to assist the victims of sexual abuse from the legal side and thus be able to counteract the chaos that the process entails for the victim. It is well known that the legal system against the abuser has not been optimal in Latin countries. Del Silencio a la Libertad longs to bring justice to the victim.

Del Silencio a la Libertad understands the need for a safe place for victims of sexual abuse. The need to find freedom outside the home, away from their abuser, is critical. In the future, The House of Freedom will be that refuge for many victims seeking freedom.

Weekly recovery and healing meetings:

Thursday at 6:00 pm at Uvita Christian Academy in Uvita
Sundays at 5:00 pm at Rio de Gracia Church in Hatillo, Quepos.

Contact info:

[email protected]
WhatsApp +50687490040
Facebook and Instagram/Del Silencio a la Libertad

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