What’s Shaking at Marina Pez Vela – November 2018
September and October were a wild ride for us all, with some of our first real intense rains and storms of the year, as well as a month of national strikes which made for some interesting experiences for both our local community and nation as a whole. November brings with it the final days of our green season and the annual rains, along with it the first big events and energy for the coming high season of 2018 and 2019. Marina Pez Vela, as usual, is doing things bigger and better than ever and November is when all the activities start to roll out in full force. It is such an amazing experience to see how MPV has become a part of our community with locals, expats and tourists alike making the project a home base for dining, shopping, services and special events and our team and family here have already begun full planning to insure that we have even more to share with you all in the coming months!
For November here are a few highlights of what we have to come!
Dorado Derby, November 17
This is our first annual Dorado Derby Fishing Tournament which has been designed to be the MOST FUN TOURNAMENT in all of Costa Rica. This one day event, scheduled for November 17th, is all about anglers of all abilities and experience, friends, families and businesses coming together to enjoy a day on the water, some good times, great laughs and fun way to participate in an fishing tournament at MPV. There are amazing packages here for $1,750 which includes the boat, tips, entry fee for the team and participation in the pool for biggest Dorados of the day and it is a great way to get your business, family or friends out on the water and experiencing one of the big draws and magical parts of our area. The day will culminate with a live weigh in for all the teams in the plaza, awesome DJ, and a fish fry part to celebrate the winners, the losers, new friends and old. There is still time to sign up and join the party of the first annual DORADO DERBY. Contact the team at IFish to make your reservation now!
Boston Whaler Day, November 16-18th
During the days around the Dorado Derby we are also incredibly proud to announce for first BOSTON WHALER DAY. These iconic boats, known as the unsinkable legends are the safest boats on the water and we have the distinct honor of being Costa Rica’s exclusive dealer for this prestigious line. During the Dorado Derby we will be inviting all the Boston Whaler owners from all over Costa Rica to join in the tournament and they will compete in a tournament within the tournament for the biggest Dorado caught on a Boston Whaler Boat. We will have the Sales Directors for the line here sharing with us, a host of different models and sizes to check out and it is a great opportunity for anyone interested in these amazing vessels to get a first-hand look and feel for their quality and diversity. For more information you can contact Will Swanson, will@marinapezvela.com.
If Thanksgiving isn’t your favorite holiday—it should be! This special day is one of the holidays which is being adopted here in Costa Rica as our expat population embraces the celebration of family, friends, food and appreciation. The Marina at is core is being developed as a place to celebrate the old and the new, the local and the foreign and to be able to enjoy the magical beauty of the area and our waters in a one of a kind space. Thanksgiving is a special time here at the project and most of our restaurants are going to be offering special dinner menus to allow for you to come and share in a magical sunset, wonderful dinner in a special setting. Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for details on the menus, seating times and reach out to a local friend and family to share in our appreciation and the fusion of our communities on this special day.
Many of you listen, laugh, sing along karaoke style to the classic rock tunes of the show and we want to make sure you all come and join in the fun! Every Thursday night, 5-7 am, Evan Luck and the MPV team are broadcasting live from the Runaway Grill. By Thursday evening at happy hour we are a on a downhill cruise to the weekend so start it out right! Bring your friends, enjoy some cold drinks at the Runaway, the amazing November sunsets and come ready to share any local news, events or stories with Evan, Scott and Jerry who are always looking to share the happenings and stories from our community.
Stay tuned for news for December as well as it is an enormously important time for the project and our community. Triathalon, BrightLights, Christmas, and New Years are just a FEW of the agenda items to be looking out for so get ready to join the fun and family here at MPV