What We Have Learned So Far…
By Os
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
¿How are you guys? ¿How were your holidays? I hope you and your favorite ones had a great last year and I wish you ALL a blessed 2016.
I suppose that there are new readers for this and the other columns from Quepolandia. Well, let me tell you that I have been writing this column “Spanish Sucks” for more than four years. There are (including this) 45 articles and each one is a Spanish Lesson itself… Easy to read, comprehend and follow!
Today, I would like to give you a little summary of the first 22 articles, but first of all, let me tell you that if you want any or all of them, you can go to this link and find them, read them and print them: www.oscostarica.com/my-spanish-articulos/.
SPANISH SUCKS #1 is about tips and things you can do to improve your español…
SPANISH SUCKS #2 is about the Spanish Alphabet and pronunciation…
SPANISH SUCKS #3 is about the Spanish Numbers and how to learn them by “families”…
SPANISH SUCKS #4 is about how words have gender in the Spanish Language and how to say “the” in español…
SPANISH SUCKS #5 is about how to make plural words in the Spanish Language and more about the word “the”…
SPANISH SUCKS #6 is about how words need to “match”-”agree” in the Spanish Language and the Days of the Week…
SPANISH SUCKS #7 is about the Months of the Year in español and other important things…
SPANISH SUCKS #8. Let’s review some stuff that we have learned so far…
SPANISH SUCKS #9 is about ¿Who’s who? in the Spanish Language and the Personal Pronouns in español…
SPANISH SUCKS #10 is about a lot of words that are the same or similar in English and Spanish…
SPANISH SUCKS #11. Let’s “play” with Spanish Verbs. Learn how to conjugate verbs in español…
SPANISH SUCKS #12. Let’s review what you learned last month. ¡Play with verbs!…
SPANISH SUCKS #13. ¡Feliz Navidad! Learn the secret to learning another language quickly…
SPANISH SUCKS #14 is about how to make a sentence-statement in español…
SPANISH SUCKS #15. Make Yes/No questions in español and an introduction to the Spanish question words…
SPANISH SUCKS #16 is about how to make a Wh. question in español. Use a fórmula to learn español…
SPANISH SUCKS #17 is about the Wh. words and some questions in español…
SPANISH SUCKS #18 is about Shakespeare. No it’s not! It’s about To Be or Not To Be in Spanish…
SPANISH SUCKS #19 is about the verb To Be # 2 * ESTAR and the “mantra”…
SPANISH SUCKS #20 is about the verb To Be # 1 * SER…
SPANISH SUCKS #21 is more about the verbs SER & ESTAR…
SPANISH SUCKS #22. Let’s review the conjugation of verbs in PRESENTE…
Also, if you want, you can e-mail me at: oscostarica@gmail.com and I will e-mail them to you!
Even better! If you read any of my articles and you don’t understand what I am trying to explain or teach, or if you think or feel its content is not clear enough, I promise to give you a FREE one-on-one Spanish Lesson on that topic in order to help you understand!
So you know what you have to do.
Go to this link: www.oscostarica.com/my-spanish-articulos/.
Read my articles.
E-mail me at: oscostarica@gmail.com …and Schedule a FREE Spanish Lesson…
Os has been teaching Spanish for more than 2000 days to ALL levels and ages… ¡Let him help you learn! Schedule a FREE Spanish Trial Lesson here in Manuel Antonio or through SKYPE.
www.OsCostaRica.com (+506) 88-222-936.