Welcome to the Kids Saving The Rainforest Thanksgiving Update
KSTR has a lot to be thankful this year! We have been able to continue our mission of saving the rainforest and the wildlife in it a day at a time! We want to thank those of you who have supported us through the years, and to give people visiting a chance to help too by taking a tour of our Sanctuary, where 100% of the proceeds go to the wildlife in our sanctuary. See below for more information.
KSTR’s wildlife educational tour is growing by leaps and bounds. The tour is from 9 to 12 noon every day except Tuesdays. You will get to see lots of wildlife that cannot be released back into the wild and you will have a view of a baby sloth eating breakfast behind the clinic windows.
After the tour you can shop in our store, eat a delicious snack and swim in a beautiful pool before heading out. Transportation is included: Adults $60 & Kids under 12 $45. And the best news is that 100% of the proceeds go to feed, treat, and enrich the wildlife in the sanctuary! So come out to the tour and help us to save the rainforest all at the same time!! Contact Chip at chip@kstr.org or call 4033-0091.
We have great news for sloth lovers out there! We have a new position for a volunteer/intern in our sloth nursery! We have lots of baby sloths that need care! It is a volunteer position so there is a fee of $800 per month for room and board at our beautiful location, www.bluebanyaninn.com, and we need someone for 6 months. This is a dream position so hurry up and apply! There is no university in the world that could teach you what you will learn with us for a lot less money than a university! Contact sam@kidssavingtherainforest.org for more information.
America’s PBS (Public Broadcasting System) bought the rights to BBC1’s hit 2 part series featuring KSTR. It was shown in September to a very successful following. It is called Nature’s Miracle Orphans, a Second Chance. (You can Google it to see BBC’s and PBS’s specials.)
KSTR and The Sloth Institute (TSI) are helping to save more and more orphaned sloths and release them into the wild. The release location is up and running at Tulemar! (Not open to the public.)
KSTR has received a very generous donation of land to reforest 45,000 trees. The land was a teak farm and KSTR will be reforesting with indigenous and fruit trees to provide a corridor for the squirrel monkeys as well as other wildlife. The new rainforest will also have trees to provide them shelter, plus insects and fruit in the trees that they can eat. KSTR will harvest the fruit to feed the wildlife in their care at our rescue center and sanctuary. Finalization of the property transfer will be in April, which is the start of rainy season so it will be the perfect time to start planting saplings.
KSTR is in the process of creating an educational center to house more volunteers, interns, students, biologists, wildlife vets, and researchers. This is a very exciting project that will help save the rainforest in many new ways!
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!