We would like to welcome the two newest members of the KSTR team!
Vernita Gundy our new Administrative Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator, she volunteered for us 2 years ago and moved from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the US and plans to keep us on track and manage the incoming flow of volunteers throughout the year.
Samantha Trull our new Vet Tech volunteered for us 2 years ago too. Sam hails from Durham, North Carolina in the US and is also a primatologist/photographer. She has already taken amazing pictures of the orphans/rescue animals for us at KSTR.

Introducing Bonnie and Clyde……they are out to steal your heart! These two titi monkeys were brought in separately and are not related but have bonded as if they have known each other since they were born. We are not sure of their ages but they seem to be very close in age. Our Vet Tech Sam Trull is giving them round the clock care by feeding them every 3-4 hours. We are glad these two have each other for playing, grooming and cuddling.

Meet Kermit the two toed baby sloth. He is estimated to be three weeks old and was found on the ground, abandoned by his mother, along with his sibling that unfortunately did not make it to our rescue center. We never know why sloth mothers abandon their babies but all we know is that he needs help. Kermit needs warmth, shelter, hydration, food and lots of love to grow.
To find out about adopting animals to help KSTR please contact Vernita at volunteer@kstr.org.