Memoirs of a MasseurTodd Pequeen

Touching Humanity

memoirs of a massuer headerHigh season is well upon us and everyone reading this deserves to give themselves the gift of love. The best love I can think of is treating yourself to a session of bodywork. Even now, in this day and age, I meet people who have never had a massage, who don’t like to be touched, who still have the decades old philosophy that it is something sexual. Well, I’m here to talk some facts and to share some of my nineteen years of experience as a full time body worker. I write this article to educate the public and to bring further insight into a field that always seems to be a bit murky for some reason.

Massage is defined as the systematic manual or mechanical manipulations of the soft tissues of the body by such movements as rubbing, kneading, pressing, slapping, and tapping for therapeutic purposes. The results promote circulation of blood and lymph, relaxation of muscles, relief from pain, restoration of metabolic balance and mental focus. According to research reports, artifacts, and medical history documentation, nearly all ancient cultures practiced some sort of touch or massage. In many groups a special person such as a healer, spiritual leader, or doctor was selected to administer healing power. The outcome not only being a pain reliever but also an improved sense of well being and physical appearance. I personally joke with my wife about this state being called “massage face”. With some clients it is so clear and obvious…there are times when my clients are face up on the table that I literally watch their faces transform into kinder, gentler beings.

Today’s modern massage therapists should be thoroughly trained in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Myology, Neurology, and medical communication and techniques. Do not fall into the trap of thinking everyone’s education is equal…this is certainly not the case here in Costa Rica. Ask detailed questions, weed out the riffraff for yourself. I always find it amusing that some people think that a cheap massage is a good massage….is that the case with the hotel room you chose to stay in, the car you purchased, or the house or apartment that you live in? Trustworthy long time locals usually have sound advice; other people get the ever coveted “kick back” or commission which forms their opinion. Valid massage therapists are licensed after attending professional schools, then pass state and/or national exams, and by meeting the credentials and standards set by ethical associations. If you don’t go to a back room Doctor or Dentist, why would you do that with your massage therapist?

Massage popularity is soaring worldwide, as it should. So much in fact that in tourist areas randoms do arrive simply to profit for the “high season” with the increased demand, then they leave. Usually forever. I am unaware of other professions that are able to actually do this as there is an accountability factor. An experienced practitioner is a valuable addition to anybody’s routine, and can cater to the relaxation and growth of the individual. We are lucky to have dedicated “masters” of the trade here in Manuel Antonio. These committed body workers help me stay on top of my game, nobody is free from needing help, for that is human.

2017 can be your year.  Positive healthy changes are within your grasp and quite often a first step will lead to a second. For it is today that counts, not what is in the past. I tell my clients that I am more into my massage work than ever before, because when my hands begin to massage a client, it is a new journey, not an old one. It has become a beautiful dual meditation for me. Many nights I go to bed and re-read the back of a business card from a Concert Pianist client named Daniel Gortler that I massaged many, many moons ago. His card is forefront on my refrigerator with the back side forward. It is simply a quote from Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.

(Todd Pequeen can be reached at 8830-7727 or via e-mail at He works independently at his tree top studio or at your location. His free time is spent reading, writing, surfing, traveling, and spreading the love.)

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