Top 5 Ways to Build A Conscious Business and Lifestyle
Get paid to do what you love? I know what you are thinking, “yeah, right! Maybe in another lifetime.” People who make that type of money are obviously born ridiculously talented and just so happen to be in the right place at the right time. Lucky souls who stumble into a dream lifestyle … right? Wrong. Okay maybe there are a rare few who just happen to make it big for no apparent reason, but the vast majority have spent their life doing more homework, working longer hours, jumping hurdle after hurdle, refusing to succumb to the naysayers of the universe, and developing a sharp self discipline.
The flashy neon advertisements for get rich quick schemes hypnotize us into believing that the cure to our lack of fulfillment and money woes resides in buying and selling ridiculous amounts of cheap products to sheepish consumers, Network Marketing schemes, OR winning the jackpot. Through my own entrepreneur journey, working alongside and interviewing highly successful people over the last 10 years in the health, fitness, and plant based nutrition industry, a different story emerges.
The definition of success varies from person to person. Money, business and capitalism hold the reins in the West. To be “successful” is to hoard a stack of cash, build an empire at the cost of others and the environment, buy a massive home, marry a supermodel partner, and a drive a car that shines brighter than the sun. Or any other material possession that one can flaunt in order to make others feel less than whole.
Let’s bypass the stereotypical media induced standard and turn to those who live and build businesses from their soul driven passions and purpose. These are the people who go to the ends of the Earth, literally, to do what they love, positively impact the world, and design an abundant, sustainable lifestyle. They believe that a life of material luxury is worthless without health, authentic supportive relationships, and community.
- Face Your Fears:In order to be who you want to be and build a successful conscious business you’ll need to leave your comfort zone, put yourself out there, and most importantly believe in yourself. Facing your fears, whatever they may be, is critical to personal and business growth. Your personal and business development evolve together. There is no other way. How you react to one thing is how you react to everything. Begin by working on yourself. What you fear in your daily life outside of work is substantially effecting how you create and perform at your peak in business.
Every time a fear bubbles to the surface, take a deep breath, feel the anxiety and step forward in the best way you know how. Repeat a positive affirming mantra like, “I am completely capable and supported” to switch your internal self dialogue. Learn how to fire up your inner cheerleader.
Design Your Vision: Be incredibly clear with your intentions. Take the time to sit and write out your dream lifestyle. What would it feel like in every way? What is the timeline? What qualities do you need to develop within yourself to get you there? Who do you want to spend your time with? Where do you want to live? How do you want to feel everyday waking up? What is your personal definition of success? Map it out so you can begin to put in the stepping stones to get you there.
- Know Your “Why”:Why wake up every morning? What is your driving force? What makes you come alive more than anything else in your life? Ask yourself these questions often because they do shift as we evolve. But, most importantly you MUST have a strong enough “Why.” Whether it’s your children, your simple love of travel, or your passion to save the world, without that spark there will be no fire. Without that well of inspiration your dreams will run dry. Your “Why” is the single most vital thing for you to remember often, especially during the most challenging times building your vision.
Build Habits: Ask yourself what are the big and small steps necessary to create your vision. Design a timeline of events for the larger milestones and then get to work on the small steps required. Sculpt the smaller bite size chunks into habits you can practice every day. For myself that means practicing and teaching yoga, pilates and dance every day. That means making raw vegan meals for myself and others. And producing high value content and experiences for my clients. At the beginning stages of your conscious living and business path, building a clean nutrient dense eating habit might be step #1. Without that nothing else can function optimally. Build habits by practicing consistency in everything you do. Create a ritual and stick to it.
- Immerse Yourself in the Lifestyle: Find those who are doing and being what you aspire to and go experience what it feels like to live that way. Eat the way that they would, go on the adventures they do, hang out with the people they put themselves around, workout with the techniques they utilize, etc. If you don’t know how it feels you won’t fully understand your inborn potential. If they can do it, so can you. Who knows, you might not even like what you THINK you do. The point is to gain experience and perspective. Taste many ways of living in order to design the one that resonates most with your soul.
So, what do you think? Can you begin to implement a few or all of these techniques beginning today? I believe in you. The question is, do you believe in and trust yourself. Start with your thoughts and the rest will follow. Think, speak, and act in all the ways that serve your highest potential and you can’t go wrong. Follow your heart, your bliss, and what feels like home. Only your highest authentic self and intuition can take you there. The challenge is to listen fully with mind, body and spirit. You are limitless.
Amber Zuckswert is the founder of, the hub of her online coaching programs, worldwide retreats and teacher training programs. She’s an internationally recognized online/live dance, pilates and yoga instructor, holistic nutritionist, professional contemporary dancer and lifestyle design expert from San Francisco, California. She loves nothing more than teaching her passions, designing transformative experiences, and empowering people to dramatically upgrade their life through mind/body fitness, peak performance nutrition, cultural immersion and adventure.
Eager to jump into and immerse completely in epic living? Join her next all inclusive retreat and teacher training here in Manuel Antonio. Pranashama Yoga Institute Retreat + SUP Yoga Certification runs April 12th-22nd, 2015 at Hotel Costa Verde. A 7-10 day program designed to elevate your personal practice, and teach you the conscious business skills necessary to build your dream lifestyle with other like minded movers and shakers. Read the all inclusive details, breakdown of training and tuition options on or call (506)-8565-4815.