Kids Saving the RainforestPía Martín

The Kids Saving The Rainforest Wildlife Rescue Center

By DVM Pia Martin, KSTR Wildlife Vet

The Wildlife Rescue Center was very busy in 2010 and it was also very successful. We received 116 injured, sick, or orphaned animals, which is 37 more than we received in 2009. Most of them were titi monkeys and both species of sloths, the 3 toed and the 2 toed. However we also treated porcupines, kinkajous, white face monkeys, howler monkeys, ocelots (a wild cat also know as the Dwarf Leopard), and even one otter, among others! Our success rate is increasing year after year, right now with a remarkable statistic of over 50% release percentage. We feel very enthusiastic by this number considering that other wildlife rescue centers barely release up to third of the animals accepted.
Kids Saving the Rainforest Logo

The Kids Saving the Rainforest Wildlife Rescue Center is the only rehabilitation center in the whole central pacific area and is becoming transcendental to the survival of the rainforest animals. We are treating animals hit by cars, electrocuted, sick with digestive problems, pneumonia, and many orphaned babies. We also work alongside ICE to prevent more electrocutions through our monkey bridge program and MINAET to rescue and rehabilitate confiscated animals that were once poached to be pets.

However this all costs a lot of money and unfortunately we have to depend on what our KSTR Souvenir Store sells and personal donations. Due to the economical crisis worldwide we have truly suffered financially.

Our budget per months includes:

  1. Maintenance of the 4 acres of secondary forest at the rescue center in the heart of Manuel Antonio
  2. The Vet and Wildlife Caretakers house
  3. The Medical Vet Clinic
  4. The rehabilitation and quarantine cages
  5. The best nutrition available for the food plan of each animal
  6. Fulltime veterinary care
  7. Animal caretaker working 24/7
  8. Night Guard

These costs come to an amazing $2000 per month. We want to continue growing just like we have, we want to rescue and release more animals; and the only way is with your help. We need to continue accepting all the wildlife in need, to be able to help them all, we don’t want to have to turn any away due to lack of economic resources.  We also have an extensive wish list for more and better veterinary equipment.

If you care for the rainforest and its wildlife, please help us with this noble cause.  There are two ways of doing it:

  • Come to our Souvenir Store and Shop.  100% of the proceeds go to save the rainforest.  (You can also make a donation or adoption in the store).
  • Go to our website and make a donation:

Please come shop in our store, it is open 7 days a week from 7 AM until 10 PM.  If you want more information you can call us at 2777 2592 or send an email to:

So you can get a great deal, buy a great gift, and safe the rainforest at the same time!  It is a win-win situation and the rainforest thanks you!

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