That’s Fishin’- December 2019
Welcome to the December edition of That’s Fishin’. The peak months are upon us with visitors arriving from all around the world ready to experience some of the best fishing on the planet.
We experienced some truly amazing fishing for Marlin during November with lots of Blue Marlin in the 150-250lb category release by the Quepos fleet. A few Black & Striped Marlin also made an appearance and coveted Billfish Grand Slams started being caught during November, which means 3 different Billfish species released by a boat in one day.
The Mahi/Dorado fishing in November did not disappoint with lots of Dorado in the 15-25lb category being caught at the current breaks found typically 6-15 miles off Quepos. There were a few HUGE Dorado in the 60lb plus category landed, fish of a lifetime stuff for sure!
There have been some good Sailfish days already, however, the Sailfishing should get better and better as we move through December before it fires on all cylinders January through April which is when the greatest concentration of Sailfish are here. Double Digit Sailfish days are common when the bite is on and when you are added a Marlin, Dorado, or Tuna to the mix also, this can make for some electric fishing.
December and January have historically produced some very nice sized Tuna which can be found together with the mega pods of Spinner Dolphins. We saw lots of Tuna in the 20-50lb class, however, many fish over 100lb are landed with the odd 200lb plus monster hitting the decks and making Angling memories for a lifetime.
December is the start of the best Inshore fishing period of the year here in Quepos. The last of the rains should now be behind us which means much better water visibility close to the shoreline. This change in seasons and the transition from wet to dry season, brings a host of baitfish closer to shore, large schools of Sardines will be found along the beaches north of Quepos towards Parrita, and South of Quepos towards Savegre. Sardines are the number 1 live bait here and produce the greatest variety of species at both the rock and river mouth locations that we fish. We can get some great fishing for Jacks and Mackerel close to the Sardine schools so it is always worth a few casts around the bait schools once you have loaded up on Live bait, before heading off to your next fishing spot.
Roosterfish, Snook, and Cubera Snappers form the main event for Inshore fishing here and are what many Anglers come looking for. Snook can be caught at the river mouths whilst live baiting a Sardine, we get lots of small to mid-sized Roosterfish at the River mouths and along the beaches at this time of year but if a Trophy Roosterfish is what you are looking for, head over to the deeper water close to the rocks where the large Roosters hang out. Look-down, Blue Runner, Goggle Eye live baits are all successful for larger Roosters in addition to Sardines. If a Cubera Snapper is on your bucket list, then my favourite method for catching these guys is with a large surface popper cast right alongside the reefs. This can be tiring work, however, worth all the effort when a huge Cubera Snapper erupts on the surface to engulf your popper.
On my boat, GOOD DAY, and many other boats around the country, we practice Catch & Release on all of the Cubera Snappers that we catch and would appreciate more and more Anglers joining this movement to help us better protect one of our most important Inshore species.
The Marina Pez Vela will once again become the most happening Marina in the Americas (If not the World!?) for the weekend of January 11-12th, 2020 as the folks from PELAGIC hold the now infamous PELAGIC ROCKSTAR tournament for what will be its third year here in Costa Rica. This event just gets bigger & better with every year that passes, with more boats, larger cash prizes and more fun, GUARANTEED! This event is open to all and we would love to have you involved, grab your fishing buddies, blow up guitars and come join the party!
The rest of the 2019/20 Marina Pez Vela Tournament calendar is now set and sees the biggest line up of tournaments EVER seen here in Quepos. Full details at
January 11-12, 2020 Pelagic ROCKSTAR!
February 21-22, 2020 The Pescadora Billfish Championship (Ladies Only!)
March 7, 2020 Roosterfish Rodeo (NEW!)
March 20-21, 2020 Quepos Billfish Cup
April 17-18, 2020 Marina Pez Vela Open
April 20-23, 2020 Offshore World Championships
May 23-24, 2010 Pelagic Pura Vida Inshore Classic & Kids Only Tournament!
Drop me a line if you have any Fishy questions at all, it would be great to hear from you.
Tight Lines & I would love to hear from you if you would like to go fishing! Benn Gilmour, Jackpot Sport Fishing Marina Pez Vela, Quepos Cell: 8458 4997