Something New

By Mark Goldstein
Decide right now that you will try something new today.
O.K., did you do it? Did you commit to yourself that you will try something new? It could be anything, anything at all. If not, try again. Did it? Good.
Maybe you’re reading this on the publishing date, January 1st. 2012. Or maybe you’re reading this as a back issue in June. It doesn’t matter. Try something new today.
It can be something that you have always wanted to try, or something that you’ve been dreading and know that you need to do. Either way, it is new, and will bring up new responses in your life, maybe even improve things in some way.
What if you did something new every day this week? This month? What if we found something new to do every day……forever?
Sure, we’d run out of things eventually, but you get the point by simply imagining what that might be like.
Of course we can apply this to many aspects of our lives. Our personal lives, the way we interact with others, the way we eat, or treat our bodies, and surely we can apply this in our yoga.
It’s the New Year, and so many of us see this as a jumping off point to improve ourselves.
If you would like a partner in that, I am here to help begin or continue that in your yoga practice. Whether you are here for the long term, or if you are passing through as a visitor to our lovely area, we can hone in your needs and begin to set a foundation for your yoga practice. When you commit to your yoga practice your body will open up to you, allowing you to improve yourself, not just maintain. When you commit yourself to your yoga practice; that opening up can also find its way into many parts of your life, and even those lives around you.
If you are new to yoga, great. There is always plenty of room to get started. This could end up being your “new thing” for today.
If you have been practicing already, or have in the past, then I’m sure that together we can find plenty of poses that will be new to you, or new approaches to some poses that may have become “routine”. There is always room to expand!
I offer private group, couples and individual classes. I prefer the private approach so that we can customize the experience to you or your group’s wishes.
If you’re like me, the New Years resolutions that fail are often very one note. They get boring. So why not make a New Years resolution that can literally change every day?
This month, this New Years month, I will commit to offering something new in all of my classes, and try to encourage my students to try something new each day.
So, the pose of the month for January 2012?
Wow, could be just about anything!