Amber ZuckswertEpic Living

My Profound Awakening

Epic Living logoBy Amber Zuckswert

I never used to think of myself as a spiritual person. I didn’t go to church, wasn’t interested in any formalized religion, and didn’t care or know I had a connection to a higher source of energy. My journey really began in high school the first time I ever meditated to overcome stage fright as a dancer. Back then I never could have imagined I would be here now writing to you from such an expanded place of understanding.

Over the last two years I have experienced a rapid spiritual awakening beyond my wildest dreams. I have been practicing and teaching meditation and yoga daily for the last decade. Through my extensive studying and practice I felt I was “doing enough” to listen to my intuition, to stay in alignment, to discover and ignite my true passion and purpose. I felt like I was peeling back the layers of self-doubt and letting go of the things that no longer served me. Little did I know I was only picking away at the tip of the iceberg.

Yoga on a stone wallI was introduced, through a few dear friends, to a shamanic retreat center in the heart of the rainforest about 20 mins outside of Manuel Antonio. After extensive research I sat in my first Ayahuasca ceremony. A sacred plant medicine that has been sipped and revered since ancient times to detoxify the body, expand consciousness, heal emotional traumas, and overcome addictions of all kinds.

I was most interested in connecting to what I call “universal source energy.” I had felt glimpses of this universal oneness and connection to a higher power in the past through long meditations, but was eager to experience more. Ayahuasca was my gateway to a new realm of awareness, inner peace and reverence for myself, humanity and the Earth.

Within my first ceremony I released what felt like 10 years of emotional baggage. The clarity was astounding. I walked away completely reset, clear, focused with new compassionate eyes and a wide open heart. Ayahuasca changed my life forever.

Over the last year I have experienced 15 ceremonies personally and lead countless friends and retreat groups to the healing and transformative powers of this sacred plant. I’ve done, and will continue to practice, this deep work. I’ve have never been this happy or at peace with myself. It feels absolutely incredible to say that.

I don’t have the answers. Nor do I pretend I do. All I know are my experiences. All I know is what my heart and intuition tells me. The feelings of love, the immense joy of full authentic expression, the drive to pursue what makes me come alive most. The ability to patiently and compassionately hold space for others. The passion to give all of myself and grow exponentially. The courage to fall, adapt and get back up again. The strength to be vulnerable and surrender to the beauty and challenges of life. I am just so grateful.

So, I developed two new small group programs that incorporate ayahuasca ceremonies and traditional temazcal sweat lodge, along with all of the other aspects of my wellness retreats that my guests have come to know so well.

Yoga on the beachWhy? Because I strongly believe that this plant medicine and ancient traditions are positively propelling the world and our conscious evolution forward. They are the key to shifting humanity out of its current self-destructive paradigm. Peace worldwide starts from inside each and every one of us. It begins in our individual and collective hearts. We have to take responsibility for our presence in order to shift the human race forward into sustainable abundance.

Though this deep self-work, healing, and rapid expansion isn’t easy at times, because it requires you to face your subconscious emotional baggage, forgive, let go, be vulnerable, and change, it is the most rewarding work you can do for yourself. The greatest gift. The joy and peace on the other side of that growth is worth the journey. Everyone should have the opportunity to experience this spiritual awakening.

I could write a book about my personal and group experiences with ayahuasca. No words describe how grateful I am for the amazing opportunity to work with this sacred medicine and witness our retreat guests unfold, bloom and awaken. It is the most fulfilling work I have ever done. The breakthroughs are absolutely priceless.

My only hope is that my personal experiences and offerings inspire you to take a chance on your boundless potential. To believe in, develop and reveal your most authentic empowered self.

You were born complete and ready. You are already enough. You deserve to be bubbling over with bliss and manifesting your dreams. The only thing that stops you is your mind. Your heart, intuition, and higher self-know what you want. You just need a reminder of your inherent power and limitless love. You just need to step out of your own way, open your heart and mind, and realize you are always supported. You are always connected to source and the Earth.

Ayahuasca reveals this connection and helps you feel and know this truth from every cell of your being. It is the mother of all plant medicines and teachers. A tool to help you find yourself, to know yourself, by destroying the image of who you think you are, and illuminating the truth. The knowledge that you can acquire from ayahuasca comes from the inner journey where only love and faith can guide you.

If you’d like to ask me any questions about my experiences or learn more about my offerings feel free to email me at I am more than happy to share. I wish you an incredible day full of laughs and love. Enjoy the journey. Otherwise, why are we here? The time is always now.

Amber doing yoga on the beachAmber Zuckswert is the founder of Epic Living Retreats and Online Wellness Coaching. She offers health, fitness and adventure retreats and training programs around the world, but has created her home base in Manuel Antonio. She’s an internationally recognized online/live pilates, yoga, and dance instructor, holistic nutritionist, and lifestyle design expert from San Francisco. Amber loves nothing more then teaching her passions and empowering people to dramatically upgrade their life through mind-body fitness, peak performance nutrition, cultural immersion and adventure. Read about and register for one of her upcoming retreats or events on or call (506)-8565-4815.

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