Morning Wake Up Yoga + Pilates Series
By Amber Zuckswert
Do you often wake up feeling super stiff and achy? Or perhaps overwhelmed with the slew of to-do’s running through your mind? Gift yourself a simple 10 min practice to check in with your breath, body and mind. Warming up and lightly stretching your bodies main muscle groups, mobilizing your major weight bearing joints, and calming your mind to focus on breath, sets you up for a day of pain free activities. Still groggy? Get your blood moving and oxygen pumping for an instant energy boost. Roll out of bed onto your mat for this Yoga and Pilates based series of stretches. Practice every morning and watch your day transform.
Child’s Pose:
This restorative resting posture opens the low back and hips. Kneel with your knees mat distance apart and feet together. Rest your forehead on the mat as the arms stretch by your sides. Or place your arms overhead to release the mid/upper back and shoulders. Hold for 7 long deep and even breaths.
Double Pigeon:
There are several ways to stretch the little piriformis, but this is my utmost favorite. The piriformis is a small muscle that sits deep inside the hip. It’s responsible for rotating your leg outward, so as you can imagine this guy gets pretty tight, especially if you sit more then a few hours per day. Level 1: sit cross legged. Level 2: stack the lower legs on top of one another and flex your feet. Level 3: cross your knees, tuck your feet close to the body
Cat and Cow:
THE most fabulous and divine way to awaken your spine in the morning. Build strength and flexibility through movement in all spinal mechanics for ultimate spine longevity. Cat to Cow progresses you through almost all of the spinal mechanics. Cow nails extension, Cat targets flexion, and if you do my version you can get lateral (side) flexion as well. Start on all fours with a neutral or flat spine. Move into Cat by curling the pubic bone towards your nose as you exhale. Make an even “C” curve in the back. Go back to neutral spine and then extend into Cow by reaching your tail bone up to the ceiling as you press the chest forward, head follows. Try to make an even “U” with your spine.
To target lateral flexion, go back to neutral spine, abdominals pulled in, and side bend your ear toward your hip. Same on the other side. Like a dog wagging her tail. Why does this feel so good? Because you are massaging your nervous system as you articulate through each vertebra, letting go of unnecessary tension, all while creating new space and mobility.
Forward Fold:
A complete back body stretch that opens the sole of the foot to the crown of the head. Stand with feet together or hip width apart. Roll from the top of your head all the way down your spine until your hands reach the floor, shins or knees. Cross your arms overhead holding each elbow with opposite hand and just hang there, letting your head dangle and torso sway side to side. Then clasp your hands together behind your back and reach your straight arms to the sky and forward to the floor for a deep shoulder and chest opening. Hold for 7 long deep and even breaths. Roll up through your spine the same way your rolled down. Try to articulate every vertebrae.
Spine Twist:
Who needs a chiropractor when you can simply twist your way to a pain free low back? Lay on your back on the floor. Pull your right knee into your chest and cross the knee over the body to the left. Level 1 keeps the right leg bent. Level 2 straighten your right leg and reach for your big toe. Glue your right shoulder to the floor and look at your right palm. Hold for 7 long deep breaths and slowly transition to the other side.
So, how do you feel?! It’s easy to maintain a short, but sweet practice like this even on your busiest mornings. I also highly suggest you take stretch and breathing breaks every two hours while working on a computer. Set a reminder to pop up on your phone or desk top. Your body and mind will thank you for your attention and love.
Eager for more pilates and yoga sequences to nourish your temple? Follow along with my free sample class videos on or my Six Pack Video Series, downloadable to any device in HD. Or schedule a one-on-one session/small group class by calling 506- 8565-4815 or email
Amber Zuckswert is the founder of Epic Living Retreats based in Manuel Antonio and Online Wellness Coaching. She’s an internationally recognized online/live pilates and yoga instructor, professional contemporary dancer, holistic nutritionist and lifestyle design expert from San Francisco, CA.
She loves nothing more then sharing her passions and empowering others to dramatically upgrade their life through mind/body fitness, peak performance nutrition, cultural immersion and adventure through her online programs and all inclusive wellness retreats. Explore her upcoming retreats and personalized programs available in Manuel Antonio on