Memoirs of a Masseur November 2024
“What day is it?” – “It’s today” – squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day” – said Pooh.
The exchange above is from a 1925 fictional teddy bear and his best friend who happens to be a piglet. Although imagined and elementary I am a believer in this conversation and what it stands for at its core. The importance of being in the moment and savoring every minute as it passes is truly a lifelong meditation. I try to hammer this into my psyche starting with the very moment my eyes open each morning. Primarily because one day they won’t open. I realize my lifetime is finite and my youth has already passed me by, there is no better motivation for me to make the most out of this day. I don’t care if I am working, playing, or obligated to a dozen chores today must be my favorite day. I feel morally and ethically committed to being my best, my happiest, and remaining in the moment because I have so much to be thankful for. I am not so sure faking it isn’t a great option either. It’s easy to be sorry for ourselves but why not just spread positive vibes to everyone we come into contact with today. Optimism is a choice and, in my opinion, the right one. I believe I can turn everyday into awesome.
For me contentment is natural wealth. I know people who talk of wanting to win the lottery, that want more and more, I don’t see life that way. It’s funny because I have friends and clients that are truly multi-millionaires, and it often seems like their lawyers, assets, and ease of living is more of a burden than a gift. Once you have more is it ever enough or does that desire grow and consume you? We are born to be real not be perfect and today is just the right time. I do not have to wait for my next vacation to be happy nor do I ever think that today is just something I have to get through. I want today to be my favorite day of the week with how I react to people in the community and how I treat myself is of utmost importance. I can certainly try to make today the best I can. If I exercise a bit, feed myself healthy food, keep my mind positive I at least have a chance. Letting our frail and volatile emotions get the best of us can be combated with monotonous systematic positivity and energy. Surrounding ourselves with nature and like-minded people are teammates to win the game. To keep us going strong.
Planning the trip, packing bags, riding cars and planes is as important as the final location and the agenda that follows. Do not miss the journey and the opportunity to experience joy along the way. Often when we are sick or injured, we hope and pray that tomorrow will be better. I believe that is a mistake. Today should always be our favorite day. Think of this moment right now, as the limitless potential not as a waiting room. I’m slowly learning that life is about being laser focused on what is happening inside of me, not on what is swirling around me. My breath and heartbeat are unique and important and worthy of focus. Once we have taken the time to know ourselves, we can let our dreams come to fruition. There is no secret. Consistency over intensity with everything we enjoy. Progress over perfection with where we want to be. Fundamentals over fads to create a positive mindset. Today, my favorite day, over and over and over again.
(Todd can be reached on WhattsApp at 8830-7727 or at He is a pioneer of the massage industry here in Costa Rica and guarantees his massage sessions or it’s free. He and his wife recently opened a private bed and breakfast Todd is always available so book your session today!)