KSTR – September/October 2017
Hello, and welcome to your monthly article from me, your faithful KSTR spokeskid. This month I have some good news and some bad news!
A few days ago, I had a chance to interview a 9-year-old girl named Karma, who moved here with her mom specifically for KSTR. Karma’s mom, Kerri, is the new Volunteer Coordinator for the organization. I was able to ask Karma a few questions about herself and why she moved here, and what she intends to do with KSTR.

And, as we all know, I’m getting old. (Back pains and everything!). I’m also going to be moving soon which means, unfortunately, I will have to step-down as spokeskid for KSTR. Now now, try and hold back your tears. You won’t be left spokeskid-less! Karma is going to take over and honestly, she’ll probably do a better job than I have!
Still, I’m going to miss working as spokeskid. It’s been a long ride, but a fun one nonetheless. I enjoyed writing articles, doing radio shows, visiting the sanctuary, educating kids around the world, and everything else that was part of my job! People would even recognize my name from the articles on occasion. But I have no doubt everything will be in good hands once I leave.
Now, without further-a-do, here are a few of the questions I asked Karma and the answers she gave me!
Where are you from?
I moved here from Asheville, NC in the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Did you partake in any Earth-preservation projects over there?
I always saved my money to donate to places like Defenders of Wildlife and the Nature Center in the town where I lived. My Mama and I helped transport orphaned wildlife to a rescue center with Appalachian Wildlife Rescue.
What do you think of it so far? What is your favorite aspect? (i.e, the wildlife, the food, the culture)
Costa Rica is very beautiful, tropical, and there are a lot of different kinds of animals here. I love it!
How did you learn about KSTR?
I was researching sloth stuff on the internet, and I happened to see KSTR, and so I looked into it. I was very inspired by Janine’s story and that she was 9 just like me!
What do you plan to do in your role as KSTR spokeskid?
I plan to help others learn about the great work we are doing here at KSTR, and inspire them to help save the rainforest, too!
How much experience do you have with deforestation and other Earth-preservation projects?
I have helped plant trees on Arbor Day and at my old school. I have also raised money for Kids Saving the Rainforest, and donated a tree for their tree planting. When we had a yard sale to move here, I made a poster telling people how they could help too, and I raised $57! Every kid who donated got to take a free stuffed animal!
How would you like to help the planet? Are there any specific projects you want to be a part of?
I am really into animals. I want to help rescue and rehabilitate them.
Anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
Besides saving animals, I also love to do artwork, go to the beach, and explore. My favorite colors are aquamarine and creamy dreamy purple!
As usual, thank you so much for reading! Stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, and remember to thank the Earth for all it’s done for us by caring for it! Welcome Karma! Lexi out.