Kids Saving the Rainforest – September/October 2022
It’s Dani, your KSTR spokeskid! I just got done spending several weeks in Manuel Antonio volunteering at KSTR, and I have a TON of exciting updates to share!
First, a huge thanks to everyone who came to Monkey Jam. We had 250+ attendees (the biggest party), lots of fantastic, home-cooked Costa Rican food, and great bands and music. It was nice to see the community connect, all the new improvements to the sanctuary, and have everyone meet the animals. I heard interesting discussions about recycling programs, new hotel owners learning about the services KSTR offers (from an injured sloth to a snake on the loose!)—and lots of amazing stories about the animals KSTR has saved
Someone shared such a great story about sponsoring a wildlife bridge on their street and how it made them feel happy every time they saw monkeys crossing. Even a kinkajou family is using it to safely make it across the road with their baby.
Second, KSTR has formally changed hands to two incredible conservationists, who are excited to usher in a new era for the organization. I spent a lot of time with Gabe, one of the new owners, who has an amazing vision for increasing the reach and impact of KSTR. He wants to focus on building a new, state-of-the art animal hospital, more marine wildlife rescues, and MORE KIDS! We’re going to be adding additional spokeskids (who you’ll be hearing from here in the future), and raising money for more exciting projects to rescue more animals. Luckily, the old owners are still involved at KSTR and helping out with the transition—I love them so much so I am glad we can continue to work together to help the amazing animals in Costa Rica!
Did you see the architectural plans for the new hospital at Monkey Jam? So cool. I am especially excited about the new animal hospital project, as I got to see so many rescues during the month and half I was there, and the importance of the community working together to save these animals. For example, we rescued a Sea Turtle last month! She was found on Isla Damas in distress, and with community support and expert veterinary care, she got better and we were able to release her back into the ocean!
I love the idea of bringing our community together to help the animals—during the Sea Turtle rescue, we worked with the good folks at Marine Conservation Costa Rica (who help plant new Coral where our oceans need it!). They dove and brought fresh natural seaweed that our Sea Turtle needed to eat while recovering at the Sanctuary! It also reminded me of Milo from Isla Damas Turtle Rescue, who helps protect turtle eggs and make sure the new hatchlings make it safely into the ocean.
I can’t wait to tell you more about our new projects and animal rescues next month. If you want to help to make the new hospital a reality, please go to