Karma CaseyKids Saving the Rainforest

Karma Saving the Rainforest – January 2018

KSTR logoBy Karma Casey

Happy New Year from Karma, a spokeskid at Kids Saving the Rainforest! With the first issue of the year, I wanted to reach out to our wonderful community of Manuel Antonio and Quepos and see how we can all get involved helping out Costa Rica’s wildlife!

To learn about one great way to help Kids Saving the Rainforest, check out the LEAF-let we are including in this issue! You can help collect leaves for the hungry sloths, anteaters, monkeys, and other wildlife in our care! These animals need lots of fresh leaves to help give them a more natural diet. The animals in our nursery and rescue center need to learn the foods they will eat in the wild once they are released. You can help!

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These foods grow right here where we live! You might have them in your own backyard! We collect leaves every day, but just can’t keep up! Take a look and see if you recognize the favorite leaves of these hungry animals. If you can collect some for us, especially on a regular basis, that is a great way to help the wildlife on their path to recovery! More details in the LEAF-let!

That’s not all. Local businesses can put donation jars on their counters, or become corporate sponsors. Schools can come visit our Sanctuary and learn all about the animals that live there and the hard work we are doing here to save Costa Rica’s wildlife. Hotels and rental houses can post our 11 reasons to not feed the monkeys (hand-out available upon request) and teach visitors coming through our beautiful area how to respect and appreciate wildlife while they are here.

We are all so lucky to share this beautiful place in the world. Let’s all come together in this new year and do our part to protect this amazing place we live!

If you’d like to send me a letter, I can be reached at spokeskid@kstr.org! Have a fantastic 2018 from Kids Saving the Rainforest!

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