Inside Look at Luna Tours

By Sarah Munro
This column gives you an ‘Inside Look’ at local businesses, and the people behind them. Community should be shared and celebrated and this is Quepolandia’s way of doing that. We hope you enjoy the following; this month we are featuring Luna Tours, and the people behind it.
I could tell you about the services and scope of Luna Tours, but to me, what’s more interesting are the relationships and people behind the name. Jerry Glover took over Luna Tours in 2004, (founded 1998) continuing his 28-year adventure in Costa Rica. Let’s take a step back, and look at how things happened…
Born and raised in South Carolina, Jerry’s love of fishing began with his extended family, who would take him out for bass, crappie and bluegill in the local lakes and rivers. Eventually, his fishing interests started increasing for bigger game. He basically chased fish round the world, in-between serving his country, running restaurants and successful businesses. While fishing in Venezuela, a chance run in with a stranger sent him to the pristine waters of Quepos. That was 28 years ago, when Jerry Glover began his Costa Rican adventure. And it seems that once in Quepos, he hasn’t found a better place to be.
He’s found more than the success of a business, his wife of three years, Veta, is Director/Principal at Matapalo School. She is also very involved as a community Ambassador, organizing and participating in many local charity events. And, extended community service is important at Luna Tours as well. Make-A-Wish™, Hook The Future™, and Children of Quepos all have respected relationships with the Luna Tours Family.
When I asked Jerry about what fishing means to him, his response was this:
Fishing is a lot to me in a lot of different areas, it’s a great way to go out with friends and family…. it’s a tremendous, tremendous instrument for children – you’re seeing more and more kids getting involved…. More Captains and Guides are looking back to the children to bring them along to give them opportunities in the fishing industry.
This is the answer of someone who has moved past the simple love of fishing, and seen the bigger picture. It’s the answer that shows you can find more joy watching someone else begin their journey. And you have an opportunity to impact that positively, not just for ‘industry’ but the conservation of it, and the people who’s livelihoods stem from it.

According to Glover, tourism is increasing, and it’s up to every business owner to help increase the size of the pie, instead of just taking a smaller slice for everyone. Smart business, and he doesn’t just say the words, he lives them. Attending boat shows in Fort Lauderdale, and expanding into Texas and California for target marketing is just part of how he makes that pie bigger for everyone. Those clients don’t just fish; their tourist dollars make up a large percentage of every dollar dropped here.
This falls in line with Glover’s belief that the relationships developed with his employees are just as important as the relationships with clients. What’s funny is that sometimes Jerry’s just the middleman. Return clients have been known to reschedule flights just to go out with Capt. Junior and Mate Alex. Jerry explained why his staff are so important:
What helps us here is that people that repeat themselves fishing here in Costa Rica, they come to Luna Tours. They always see the same Captains, the same mates, the same faces. And probably 85-88% of our business is repeat clients and referrals. We have a tremendous client base that is extremely loyal to us.
Jerry’s right hand man is Skip Blackman, and the two have been friends for what Skip calls “a coupla years”. Don’t let that answer fool you, he’s Jerry’s right hand, you’ll find him taking care of what needs to be taken care of, with a WHOLE LOT OF PERSONALITY. Skip’s also a lifetime fisherman, and looks to the future of responsible fishing with his snook farm. Fondly referred to as “my babies”, Skip is hoping to successfully breed snook in his ponds. He’s well on his way; the hermaphrodite fish are almost at the point where they turn into females. Just don’t expect a viewing, he’s a very protective parent.
The camaraderie and sense of family is just where it should be at Luna tours. I asked Jerry and Skip this question, “If the two of you were to go out and have a fish off, who would win? Jerry or Skip? Below are their responses:
Skippy – Well that’s a silly question, of course it’s me! Because everyone always wants to think that they’re the better fishermen. I’ve got the edge because I’m in practice.
Jerry – If I could get Skippy drinking Pilsen, I’d have a chance. I might be able to out do him. And he’d try and push me into the Imperial. I may have to wash a bit of the rust off, I catch more time catching bills as in ‘facturas’, not billfish. Welcome to the sport fishing business in Quepos.
Jerry earns more than a living at Luna Tours; the rewards are felt by all of us in the community. Now, you have your ‘Inside Look’ at Luna Tours, and some of the people who form not only an ex-pat community, but a shared community with all who live here.
Luna Tours offices are located in the Hotel Kamuk, which faces the Quepos Waterfront. Jerry and Skip’s next project, the ‘Double Hook’ bar, is across the street from their Charter Office. It’s under construction now and the inside scoop is that its going to ROCK. You cross a sports-bar with fishing and what do you get? A great ‘DOUBLE HOOK’. And don’t forget