Important Rescue Center Update~Rescue Center Moving!!!
We moved the Rescue Center out to our Wildlife Sanctuary on March 15th, 2013. Please print this and keep it handy in case you find a wild animal that is abandoned, hurt, or injured.
Abandoned baby animal: Be sure the mother is not nearby or out getting food for the baby. Do not touch the baby until you are sure the baby is abandoned, unless the baby is in danger of being attacked by dogs or other animals.
Hurt or injured animals: If you can safely put the animal in a box or bedding, please do.
Call, in this order, for pick up:
They have to be first because of the Costa Rican laws.
If they cannot pick up call:
Hotel Mono Azul:
2777-1548 or 2777-2572.
Please have this information, preferably written down for the records:
Age of animal, exact location found, whether it is hurt, injured or abandoned, and if you can provide transport.
If you can’t get help there, call:
Please give him all of the same information.
If all else fails, call the Fire Department, they have a KSTR cage to help if need be.
Fire Department
If MINAE cannot transport, KSTR has to pay for transport. Cost of transport to the new Rescue Center will be $30. If you can make a donation that would be greatly appreciated. If you are a business, please donate transport or make a donation to cover costs.
Thanks for helping us save the rainforest!