Memoirs of a MasseurTodd Pequeen


Energy is an interesting thing. Sometimes I feel like I live in a video game, and I have a power bar that goes up and down. Energy is an intricate part of my everyday light. I perceive it. It is something I play with, debate with, but mainly try to understand it’s tricky ebb and flow. As a massage therapist for over a quarter century energy is entwined in my work and my play and is the rhythm of my being. As a social individual that has created a life of travel, living in various countries around the world, energy is something I have admired and appreciated. It varies from culture to culture and is used in different ways. I speak for myself when I say that energy is the catalyst for my best of days (or nights), or the opposite, low energy grounds me and makes me irritated, lazy, and non-productive. I feel and know the energy in a room and am aware of where it can go or when it is best to simply leave. I’m curious if other people feel the same way, surely there are people in this world that can feel much more than me. There is no place better than space that is filled with love, compassion, relaxation, and humor. That is what I crave.

Trade-offs are imminent when it comes to the cyclical nature of energy. Some of my biggest high energy moments are sports related, when I have completed an event, especially the ones I trained months for. However, one great wave while surfing that happens in seconds, or a thrilling downhill ride on a bicycle, can leave my brain with a buzz high on serotonin. I am old enough to know that a crash will follow. It is a fact of the ying and yang of life. More recently I find it useful to create a slow burning high energy that is much more sustainable day in and day out, as opposed to thrill seeking and then being a bit depressed or simply feeling drained. Energy comes in the form of sleep, food, love, and even in faith. Knowing and feeding ourselves with that which provides us strength is essential when playing the energy game. Nobody else will do that for you, it is as essential as oxygen is to our bodies.

With my all or nothing type personality it feels good to think of my energy but more so others and act accordingly. Five plus decades of learning has helped create an attitude of assurance in creating the energy or vibe of positivity even when a situation seems not so good. Everything passes with time and life is short, it is up to us to make it sweet. As our summer season kicks in here in Manuel Antonio many of our visitors are here with their families. Energy of grandma or grandpa if often different then parents and even more so with adolescence. It is important to recognize what is happening around us both in public and private with our own energy shifts. We must maintain a high current and steady state to perform at our highest self. Take the time to breath in all the bounty you have and start the day with positivity. Not on your phone or computer or silly Facebook. Those are false energy boosts, and you are looking for the true nectar of life. The goal in this journey of life is learning how to maximize it as we inch our way to our final day.

(Todd has been writing for the Quepolandia since it was a 6-page pamphlet back in 2001. He has a just opened Bed and Breakfast at and is the first male masseur in the area. Reach out to him on WhattsApp at 506-8830-7727 or at [email protected]. His amazing wife is a lifelong tenured photographer at Please reach out and come for a stay!)

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