Crazy From the Heat
I have been writing since I can remember. I was first published in second grade for a poem I wrote about a cat named Scat, that I didn’t even own nor did it exist. My Buffalo, N.Y. family never had pets, nor am I big fan of them today as I like to travel regularly and to be free of responsibilities. Truth be told I have owned an outdoor cat since I moved here in 2000. The original one died and then one short term renter of my house took the liberty of adopting a kitten which she left behind. So be it. Like animals, writers seem to come and go. I admire a man by the name of Matt Cassidy who used to write an article titled Crazy From The Heat for this very periodical. He used to bake the finest of cookies and bread in a time not so long ago when we did not have proper grocery stores here in MA. In 2022 his article would get censored, it used to go “too far”, and was wonderfully cringe worthy and dynamic, like the author himself. Cancel culture was still in the womb being cultivated. He can still be found in the marina at 2Costa Rica Real Estate if anyone is looking. His article would pick out classic tourist behavior and in my mind define sociology at its finest. A mentor to me. I believe it is still ok to say anything you want and I promise to not be offended. Then you must listen to my opinion and not be offended. Fair enough, yes? Stop reading now, you have been warned.
The only reason to have a mask on when you are by yourself is because you are completely unaware. If you can’t control your mind someone else will. It really isn’t something you should enjoy unless it feels sexy to you. Lol. Please take off your muzzle when you are exercising outside at the very least. Thank you. That includes walking (I suppose), biking, meditating into a yogi, or in your own yard gardening by yourself. If you are standing at a bus stop here in Manuel Antonio and there is not a soul around…news flash! You don’t need to have your mask on unless again, you think it’s sexy or a fashion statement. When evening winds down the day for you try watching a news channel other than your favorite, or better yet try using that handy tool of a computer and listen to other countries reporting on the USA, Costa Rica, or whatever you choose. FASCINATING stuff. Education is about learning things you may not already think you know. Instead of worrying about the 4th, 5th, or 6th booster shot, try loosing 20 lbs and consider it a better option. I’m really not joking here. There are foods called fruits, vegetables, and proteins such as fish and chicken that only last a few days in a natural environment because they are “fresh”. Those are the ones you should be eating more of. If something can sit on a shelf for two plus years and be shipped around the world, generally speaking, it is not good for you.
While I am on a run here let’s continue. If the highlight of your morning is a cup of coffee and an hour of Facebooking you need to get a life. Sorry to be the grinch stealing Christmas here but simply look at what that says about your precious present. Our vitality for today should be one that comes from our own strength of character and the powers that serve us, certainly not from controlled social media, an unreal world of impossible expectations. Materialism, as in gaining more and more car/house stuff, also brings a limited false sense of comfort. Yes indeed Amazon shopping, how modern and fulfilling! I can’t wait until I can get more stuff delivered onto my deck by a drone sometime in the next 20 years. Nothing better. When was the last time you put your phone down for a full 24 hours? When was the last time you “ruffed it” out in the wild? I do have limited article space here so let me finish with this one, the one that breaks the belly of the pinata…..yes, the Mexican candy machine for children. Sorry to break your bubble (literally) but it was originally from China, like our now famous corona virus. There isn’t a thing I can write to snap the world back into a reality that is important and prevalent. It is time to take many, many steps back and realize what our world is coming to. I plead like no other for you as an individual to analyze what humanity and love means to you and your family. Just stop. Just breathe.
I feel so much better now being able to air my thoughts…the Quepolandia has always been my muse. I ultra-appreciate anyone reading this whether you are a part of Quepos and Manuel Antonio or Costa Rica and beyond. I really am not this cynical but in truth this has been the easiest article I have ever written, much to my delight! My word, how light I feel as I sign off to another month of massaging (, 8830-7727), beach life, and sharing all the love I can muster. I am available for coffee time or exercising or whatever your heart desires. My wife ( and I will make you comfortable at our humble abode if you have the time to visit here in Manuel Antonio. Love each other and carry on, 2022 only has 11 more months let’s make it rich beyond expectations. The psychological stress of this pandemic is for us to take on and to conquer, enjoy the challenge.
Massage Todd can be reached at (506) 8830-7727,, or check out his website at He just built a brand new tree top home studio in the center of MA and it is an experience that should not be missed. By appointment only. Please please please do not feed any wild animal anywhere.