KatreenaLife's a Beach

Beach Life at Manuel Antonio

By Katreena

Life at the beach here in Manuel Antonio is magical. An oasis that transcends one into a timeless state of relaxation and peace. Truly a tranquil paradise comprised of natural beauty, amazing wildlife, and the soothing sounds of the ocean’s waves. Nature creates the perfect setting for relaxation as the tropical breezes melts away your stress and worries from everyday life.

It is a wonderful feeling to witness the magic of this beach and its effect on people. How fortunate to actually see people literally transform into a joyous carefree ZEN state. There are so many happy people here. People come to the beach for different reasons, but leave with the same feeling that they have experienced something very beautiful and special. Smiles are beaming as a person proclaims: “Wow…This really is picture postcard perfect!!!.”

Masaje MisticoA favorite statement heard here often: “Aaahhhhhhh….Now this is the life!!!..For those of us fortunate enough to live here…we know this special feeling: this magic…this positive energy.. this pure life..It is called PURA VIDA….A moment captured when you feel everything is just absolutely perfect, as nature intended it to be.

If you have not been to the beach recently, come on down to revisit your paradise. Many wonderful positive changes have taken place here on the beach to benefit all. Sincere gratitude to all who have put forth such positive effort to create such a wonderful destination for all to enjoy!

A favorite time here on the beach are the spectacular sunsets. Nature paints the perfect picture as the sky fills with brilliant colors. As the sun descends into the ocean, the awesome reflection of red, orange and purple over the ocean and shore, reminds us to reflect upon ourselves. As the day comes to a close, we have the opportunity to realize our gratitude and just how fortunate we are to be able to experience this magic here at the beach, and all that life has to offer.

The beach here in Manuel Antonio is a treasure…but certainly not a hidden one and open to all. To all our visitors here from all over the world: WELCOME/Bienvenido!

See you at the beach for another beautiful day here in paradise….KATREENA

Katreena is a Reiki Master with over 20 yrs. experience empowering people on their journey and lives here in Manueal Antonio at the beach. She can be reached at (506) 2777-6389 or email:katreenasol8@gmail.com

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